The rising cost of college is often in the news, but that doesn’t mean you should skip earning a degree. In fact, research shows that not earning a bachelor’s degree could end up costing you more over a lifetime than what you’d pay for college,1 and that’s not to mention the increased lifetime earnings that can come from holding a master’s degree or doctoral degree.2 If you’re wondering if you really have to pay so much to earn a degree, the answer is no.
Walden University—an online university offering a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs—may be able to help you afford the degree you want through such money-saving features as:
Scholarships, Grants, and Tuition Reductions
Walden offers tuition-reduction options that extend beyond federal student aid opportunities. When you earn your degree at Walden, you may qualify for graduate school scholarships, take advantage of college grants, and/or lower your overall costs through tuition reductions. The total amount you can save and the degree programs that qualify for savings often change, but Walden always has numerous opportunities to lower your education costs. If you want to know how much you can save, an Enrollment Specialist can guide you through the current tuition reduction opportunities.
An Online Learning Environment
Tuition reductions, grants, and scholarships for college students are just some of the ways Walden can help you save. Another is Walden’s online learning environment. When you earn a degree online, you can complete your degree from home, eliminating the costs related to relocating or commuting to a campus. On top of that, online degree programs allow you to continue working full time, helping to ensure you don’t miss out on earnings while you learn.
Credit for Non-School Experience
Walden will work with you to transfer any applicable credits earned through professional organizations or settings such as the military or law enforcement. You can also complete a prior learning assessment, which can lead to credit based on an evaluation of your résumé, a narrative essay, and supporting evidence documenting experience relevant to your chosen degree. By granting credits before you start your program, Walden can help you decrease the amount of time and money it takes to earn a degree.
Low-cost general education courses can be taken online through StraighterLine, a Walden academic partner. The credits earned can then transfer into your Walden undergraduate degree program.
Competency-Based Degree Programs
An alternative to a predetermined sequence of courses that require a set amount of time to complete, Walden’s competency-based degree programs allow you to master skills in your field of study at whatever pace works best for you. The programs provide online learning resources as well as the opportunity to apply knowledge acquired through work, life experiences, or prior education. You can complete as few or as many competencies as you desire during a specific term, giving you the opportunity to control your tuition costs and time spent on your program.
AIM Programs
Walden’s Accelerate Into Master’s programs allow you to earn credit toward a master’s degree while you’re earning your bachelor’s. It’s a good way to streamline your education if you already know you want a master’s.
At Walden, you can get the education you need while finding numerous ways to save. It’s a great place to learn—and to earn a degree that can help improve your future.
Walden University is an accredited institution offering bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs online. Expand your career options and earn your degree using a convenient, flexible learning platform that fits your busy life.
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission,