
Online PhD in Criminal Justice

Enhance your credentials and gain the expertise to lead, educate, and inspire the next generation of criminal justice professionals.

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Online PhD in Criminal Justice

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Build an Education Plan, Suited for You

Create and download your comprehensive plan with scholarships, financial aid, credit transfer, and more!


Build an Education Plan, Suited for You

Create and download your comprehensive plan with scholarships, financial aid, credit transfer, and more!


Become a leader who can evaluate root causes of crime and its impact on criminal justice practices, apply data to public safety issues, and put solutions into action.


Choose one of four specializations to align your coursework with your professional goals and personal interests.


Gain practical and career-oriented skills to help you address today’s challenges in criminal justice and drive change.


Starting early in your online doctoral program, you’ll have the opportunity to build key research and scholarly writing skills.

Program Details

Choose the Path That’s Right for You

Whether you have a master’s degree in criminal justice or a related field, or in a discipline other than criminal justice, we have a track for you.


Doctoral Experience

How will I learn?

Standard Option

General I

CurriculumRequirementsCostTotal *
Tuition-Coursework63 quarter credits $690 per quarter hour for coursework credits$43,470
Tuition-Dissertation 20-130 quarter credits$690 per quarter hour for dissertation credits$13,8500–$89,700*
Program Fee $180 per quarter$1,980$5,760*
Residency FeeFour Residencies$1,420 each (virtual)
$1,520 (in-person: travel, lodging and other expenses are additional)
Estimated Range:  2.5-Year8-Year
   (assuming completion in a 2.5-year timeframe)(assuming completion in an 8-year timeframe)

These are ranges of what a student can expect in terms of time and tuition cost to complete a degree. It does not include other fees, nor is it adjusted for tuition increases over time. Walden faculty has concluded that generally students who do not complete their program in eight years are unlikely to complete and only allow students to exceed that time frame when a student petitions for an extension and provides good reason for the delay and assurances that obstacles to completion can be overcome. Time is calculated using the time allowed for each semester or unit that the student completes. Students are encouraged to work continuously during the program so as not to extend the time needed to complete the degree as work can become stale and students lose focus. Students who earn two grades of “Unsatisfactory,” who repeatedly drop a course before a semester or unit has been completed, or are unable to complete in the eight year time frame, should expect that they may be dismissed from the program. Walden believes that it is in the best interest of a student who is unable to complete the degree in the stated ranges to strongly consider withdrawal or obtaining a lesser degree.

Time to completion and cost are not estimates of individual experience and will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic such as tuition and fee increases and/or the student’s transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; writing, research and editing skills; use of external data for their doctoral study/dissertation; and/or individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations; care giving responsibilities or health issues; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; leaves of absence; and/or other personal circumstances.

Tuition and fees are subject to change. Books and materials are not included. Students may incur additional costs for remedial writing assistance, if necessary.

^This assumes students successfully complete their coursework on the first attempt.

Based on a 2.5-year or 3-year minimum completion requirement and an 8-year maximum timeframe as outlined in Walden academic policy.

*Tuition and fees will be higher if students petition to extend the 8-year maximum timeframe or choose to take more expensive elective courses.

+Tuition and time to complete may be reduced if transfer credits are accepted, or if you receive grants, scholarships or other tuition discounts. For a personalized estimate of the number of your transfer credits that Walden would accept, call an Enrollment Specialist at 844-642-0198.

CurriculumRequirementsCostTotal *
Tuition-Coursework78 quarter credits$690 per quarter hour for coursework credits$53,820^
Tuition-Dissertation20-120 quarter credits$690 per quarter hour for dissertation credits$13,800–$82,800*
Program Fee $180 per quarter$2,160$5,760*
Residency FeeFour Residencies$1,420 each (virtual)
$1,520 (in-person: travel, lodging and other expenses are additional)
Estimated Range:  3-Year8-Year
   (assuming completion in a 3-year timeframe)(assuming completion in an 8-year timeframe)

These are ranges of what a student can expect in terms of time and tuition cost to complete a degree. It does not include other fees, nor is it adjusted for tuition increases over time. Walden faculty has concluded that generally students who do not complete their program in eight years are unlikely to complete and only allow students to exceed that time frame when a student petitions for an extension and provides good reason for the delay and assurances that obstacles to completion can be overcome. Time is calculated using the time allowed for each semester or unit that the student completes. Students are encouraged to work continuously during the program so as not to extend the time needed to complete the degree as work can become stale and students lose focus. Students who earn two grades of “Unsatisfactory,” who repeatedly drop a course before a semester or unit has been completed, or are unable to complete in the eight year time frame, should expect that they may be dismissed from the program. Walden believes that it is in the best interest of a student who is unable to complete the degree in the stated ranges to strongly consider withdrawal or obtaining a lesser degree.

Time to completion and cost are not estimates of individual experience and will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic such as tuition and fee increases and/or the student’s transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; writing, research and editing skills; use of external data for their doctoral study/dissertation; and/or individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations; care giving responsibilities or health issues; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; leaves of absence; and/or other personal circumstances.

Tuition and fees are subject to change. Books and materials are not included. Students may incur additional costs for remedial writing assistance, if necessary.

^This assumes students successfully complete their coursework on the first attempt.

Based on a 2.75-year or 3-year minimum completion requirement and an 8-year maximum timeframe as outlined in Walden academic policy.

*Tuition and fees will be higher if students petition to extend the 8-year maximum timeframe or choose to take more expensive elective courses.

+Tuition and time to complete may be reduced if transfer credits are accepted, or if you receive grants, scholarships or other tuition discounts. For a personalized estimate of the number of your transfer credits that Walden would accept, call an Enrollment Specialist at 844-642-0198.

Find Your Specialization


Choose the Path That Is Right for You

Earning your PhD is the ultimate intellectual feat, signifying you’ve reached the highest level of proficiency in your field. Criminal justice organizations of all kinds seek knowledgeable leaders with the skills and insights to implement real change.


No guarantee is made that a person who enrolls in the (include applicable program) program will obtain a job or will earn the stated salaries. Wage estimates are based on the 10th - 75th percentile.

1Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Job outlook | Estimated wage (as of May 2023) 
2Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Job outlook | Estimated wage (as of May 2023)

Learning Outcomes

As a graduate of Walden’s online PhD in Criminal Justice program, you will be prepared to:

Evaluate the root causes of crime and its impact on criminal justice policies, practices, and procedures.

Evaluate the root causes of crime and its impact on criminal justice policies, practices, and procedures.

Synthesize theory and research on the historical trends and current perspectives in criminal justice.

Apply data analysis techniques and research design methods to scholarly research in criminal justice.

Apply data analysis techniques and research design methods to scholarly research in criminal justice.

Meet Your Academic Team

Walden’s faculty includes experienced and passionate subject matter experts who are committed to helping you grow as a criminal justice practitioner.

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PhD in Criminal Justice FAQ

What can you do with an online PhD in Criminal Justice?

From senior management roles to teaching to consulting, a PhD in Criminal Justice can open a wide range of professional opportunities in a variety of settings. Walden University’s online PhD in Criminal Justice program offers four specializations—including a Self-Designed option—so that you can tailor your degree to your interests and goals.

Career options may require additional experience, training, or other factors beyond the successful completion of this degree program.

What issues do criminal justice professionals face in the field?

Criminal justice professionals confront tough challenges every day as they work to reduce crime, improve public safety, and protect and serve society. Issues they face may include:

  • Human Trafficking – This issue is a point of focus for many criminal justice professionals as well as state and federal lawmakers who are working to shape policy, laws, and programs to reduce occurrences and protect and support victims.
  • Mental Illness – Tackling the mental health issue in the U.S. criminal justice system is a big job, and one law enforcement officers, criminologists, mental health providers, policymakers, and other criminal justice professionals are working together to address.
  • Drug Crime – Drug-related arrests are putting a big strain on our criminal justice system. Many professionals dedicated their careers to combating drug crime through better law enforcement, more effective policy, and new laws.
  • Cybercrime – Data breaches. Identity theft. Cyberstalking. With internet-related crimes on the rise, cybercrime has become one of the fastest-growing areas of focus in the criminal justice field.
  • Homeland Security – Many people in criminal justice focus on homeland security, working every day to combat terrorism, cybercrimes, human trafficking, and other threats to the safety of our country.
What other disciplines are related to a criminal justice career?

The study of criminology is complex, which means there is a wide variety of roles in the criminal justice field. If you’re looking to begin or further your criminal justice journey, there are several disciplines you can study, including:

  • Human Services – Professionals working in human services devote themselves to helping people find stability in their lives, from children’s protective service workers to social workers to addiction counselors.
  • Psychology – Like human services professionals, psychology professionals can be instrumental in helping crime victims, as well as those with a history of drug abuse or crime, improve their future through better mental health.
What makes one online PhD in Criminal Justice program different from another?

There are a few things that can differentiate a criminal justice program, including flexibility, specializations offered, and student support. With the exception of academic residencies, coursework in Walden’s PhD in Criminal Justice degree program is 100% online, making earning a degree more accessible than ever. Our program also meets you where you are by offering two doctoral completion tracks: one for students who have earned their master’s in criminal justice or a related field, and one for students who have a master’s degree in another discipline.

Walden gives you the opportunity to get to know your faculty and peers. As a student, you’ll benefit from comprehensive support services all throughout your program, including our Doctoral Degree Coach®.

Lastly, after you complete your online PhD in Criminal Justice program requirements, and prior to finishing your dissertation, you’ll be eligible to be awarded a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) as a measure of how far you’ve come on your doctoral journey.