When families learn together, the positive results can go far beyond the accomplishment of earning a degree. Whatever your family structure, there are many ways you can benefit from earning your college degrees online as a team.
Consider these benefits of family learning:
- When couples simultaneously work toward the same educational goals, it creates a lively learning environment in the home. Together, they are preparing to advance their careers, increase their income, and improve their lives. Sharing common educational goals can be an invigorating journey filled with excellent support, understanding, and empathy for what the other is experiencing—a positive set of dynamics in any relationship.
- When parents and children attend school concurrently, children develop a more positive attitude toward learning. Children of parents who are learning online may also display enhanced concentration, better understanding, and improved behavior in the classroom, as their parents have set an example through their own actions. And the nature of online education helps parents gain a higher level of self-confidence, better communication skills, and enhanced intrapersonal skills that may translate to better parenting.
- When children see a parent attending school and completing homework assignments, it can be inspirational for them. Earning your college degree sets a great example for your children, whether they’re in grade school or college.
Surprising Statistics About Learning, Love, and Marriage
- Studies indicate that college-educated adults are more likely to stay married than couples without a higher education. According to National Health Statistics Reports, 78% of women with a college degree who married for the first time between 2006 and 2010 will likely stay married at least 20 years, while 65% of men with a bachelor’s degree who marry are anticipated to do the same.1
- A U.S. Census Bureau report shows that 95% of fathers and 84% of mothers with a bachelor’s degree are married and living with their children, versus 82% of fathers and 60% of mothers with a high school diploma or more.2
- In 2015, 65% of college-educated adults ages 25 and older were married, compared with 55% of those with some college education and 50% of those who did not have a college degree. Twenty-five years earlier, all three of these age groups had marriage rates above 60%.3
Walden University graduate Kimberly Price and her husband are just one example of a married couple who pursued their online education together:
“While I was attending Walden, my husband, Anthony, would see my excitement as we’d talk through my assignments, how attentive the professors were to my needs, and how I used my coursework to improve my teaching,” said Price, who earned her MS in Education at Walden.
“He was earning his BA from another online university and was not having a great experience. When he transferred [to Walden], he became excited about what he was learning and was thrilled to find similar support from his professors and other students. The gains my husband and I have made by pursuing our degrees have been life-changing. We’ve accomplished goals we never thought we could.”
The Many Benefits of Learning Together
If the idea of starting or returning to college seems a bit overwhelming, just think about the many ways postsecondary education could help improve your life.
And thanks to online learning, people have discovered how much easier it is to achieve their educational goals while handling the responsibilities of a full-time job and family. Accredited online colleges and universities allow adults to work around their busy schedules more efficiently than a traditional brick-and-mortar institution would.
A leader in distance education for more than 50 years, Walden University offers adult learners the opportunity to earn a college degree online while staying engaged in their careers and family life. Today, students from across the United States and around the world are pursuing certificates, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees online at Walden.
Walden has more than 100 online degree and certificate programs to help you achieve your career goals. And with the accredited university’s flexible online learning platform, you can complete your coursework when and where it’s convenient for you.
Choose an online college to earn a degree than can help advance your career, and discover the benefits that postsecondary education may bring to you and your family.
Walden University is an accredited institution that offers certificate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs online. Expand your career options and earn your degree using a convenient, flexible learning platform that fits your busy life.
1Source: www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr049.pdf
2Source: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/11/27/the-links-between-education-marriage-and-parenting.
3Source: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/09/14/as-u-s-marriage-rate-hovers-at-50-education-gap-in-marital-status-widens/.
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, www.hlcommission.org.