Dear Alumni,
For 45 years, Walden has been dedicated to effecting positive social change around the world and inspiring our students to do the same. Over the last several years, the power of social change has been demonstrated across the planet. From social movements like Occupy Wall Street to international relief efforts in response to natural disasters like the earthquakes in Nepal, we’ve seen people around the globe stand up for issues as diverse as better health and infrastructure, racial justice, marriage equality, freedom of expression, access to education, and financial equity.
Our 2014 Social Change Impact Report showed that there is still more work to be done—only 36% of adults, on average, are extremely or very satisfied with how much they are helping to improve the lives of individuals and communities. Yet, what we perceive to be our smallest efforts can often have huge effects on the lives of others. As Walden scholar-practitioners, you are in a position to make a meaningful impact.
In this issue, you will read about how a number of our alumni are making long-term changes around the globe. Whether through one-on-one mentoring, increasing HIV/AIDS awareness, or creating educational opportunities, they are each making an impact. The question is: How are you living Walden’s mission? You have an important role to play.
Join the broader Walden community’s efforts and share your ideas for addressing society’s greatest needs. Together we can leverage our collective strength and help our communities thrive.
Jonathan A. Kaplan