In reading through this magazine, I’m once again reminded of what an exceptional community we have at Walden University. Your accomplishments demonstrate that positive social change is more than an aspiration; it is a guiding principle that you constantly live by in meaningful ways.
I am particularly excited to have the privilege of welcoming President Bill Clinton, one of our generation’s great humanitarians and global leaders, into our Walden community this week. As our speaker at Walden’s 46th Commencement ceremony, President Clinton will inspire us to consider our interdependence with people around the world and to continue using our knowledge to make a difference. As honorary chancellor of Laureate International Universities, he offers strategic counsel in social responsibility, youth leadership, and increasing access to higher education.
Making a difference is something we have been dedicated to since Walden’s founding. As you know, during our 40th anniversary year in 2010, we surpassed our goal of 400,000 service hours. I am pleased to report that we are well positioned to double those hours in 2011. I hope you will help us meet that goal. I encourage you to stay involved in volunteer activities—your own as well as ours. Consider joining us for Walden’s Global Day of Service on Saturday, Oct. 1, or find opportunities year-round through the Walden Service Network.
Thank you for your dedication to Walden, for your service to your communities, and for sharing your accomplishments with us.
Jonathan A. Kaplan