Becoming an effective school principal requires a lot of diligence and knowledge. Tasks go far beyond enforcing disciplinary actions for problematic student behaviors. In fact, school principals are called upon to influence and guide many areas of education.
Here are a few important duties that school principals are expected to perform:
Creating a vision of academic success for students.
Principals are responsible for shaping a schoolwide vision that is committed to the highest standards and improving student success. An effective vision must define what learning outcomes and goals are expected and demonstrate the same high expectations for all students. This is vital to closing any achievement gaps that may exist and helps set students up for academic success.
Promoting a climate that’s conducive to learning.
Principals are also expected to create an environment where learning is possible and at the center of daily activities. A healthy and productive climate is characterized by safety and organization as well as positive and supportive teacher and administrator attitudes. By building a sense of community—including parent engagement—principals promote learning and achievement in a professional and welcoming environment.
Fostering leadership qualities in others.
Another key responsibility for principals is encouraging leadership skills in teachers and administrators. These skills play a prominent role in developing stronger working relationships among staff and creating a professional community of teachers who can successfully guide each other. And because it improves instruction in the classroom, cultivating leadership positively impacts student achievement.
Managing data, processes, and personnel.
Ultimately, being a principal means you have to be a good manager. From analyzing data that can pinpoint underlying problems, to updating processes to increase efficiency, to supervising staff members, principals need to hone their management skills in order to be successful. The more effective a principal is at management, the easier it will be to balance other key responsibilities.
Advance Your Career in Education by Earning Your EdS Degree at Walden University
Increase your ability to impact and transform your educational institution without putting your career on hold when you choose to earn your degree from an online university. An accredited institution, Walden University offers an EdS in Educational Leadership and Administration (Principal Licensure Preparation) program that can help you prepare to become an effective principal or administrator. Gain the skills and credentials you need to understand and manage complex educational issues; assess, improve, and provide quality instructional programs; and recruit, hire, and retain school personnel committed to improving student learning. And thanks to Walden’s online learning platform, earning your EdS degree is more convenient than ever.
There’s no need to commute to class when you choose Walden’s online EdS degree program. Instead, you can complete your coursework from wherever you have internet access. Plus, online education allows you to attend class at whatever time of day works best for you—a convenience that makes it possible to earn your advanced degree while you continue to work full time. If you want to become a principal who understands the evolving educational landscape—and who can apply the best strategies to impact student outcomes—Walden’s EdS program is the right choice.
Walden University is an accredited institution offering a suite of education degree programs online, including an EdS in Educational Leadership and Administration (Principal Licensure Preparation) program. Expand your career options and earn your degree using a convenient, flexible learning platform that fits your busy life.
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission,