Bill McElroy

William (Bill) McElroy earned his MSEd in 1999 through Walden University with an emphasis on Educational Change and Innovation. He was hired by Walden University in 2004 as one of the original instructors in the MSEd Mathematics Education specialization. teaching one course each in the Mathematics K-6 Specialization and the Mathematics 5-8 Specialization. He is currently enrolled in the EdD program at Walden, specializing in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. He is currently finishing up and polishing his Project Study, with an anticipated conference of his EdD degree in Fall 2024.
After 41 years of teaching, Bill retired in June 2012. He taught high school mathematics for 29 years, served as Mathematics Department chair, and moved to middle school in 2000. For the last 12 years of his public education service, he taught 7th-grade mathematics and 7th-grade high achievers at Arcade Fundamental Middle School in Sacramento, California.
Bill remained actively engaged in his profession throughout his career as a mathematics teacher. He presented at national, regional, statewide, and local meetings and conferences, including NCTM and California League of High Schools; he served as mathematics department chair and mentor teacher; he wrote a digital curriculum for both Calculus and Precalculus for a company called Knowledge Adventure; he co-authored district standards for Algebra 1 and Geometry, developed assessments for both, and was honored to receive the Jaime Escalante Mathematics Teacher Award sponsored by the ARCO Foundation.
Courses Taught
MATH 6551 - Understanding Number Systems and Operations (5-8)
MATH 6565 - Understanding Rational Numbers and Proportional Reasoning (K-6)
MS, Walden University
Full Pre-K - Adult Mathematics Licensure (NTE), National Teacher's Examination
EdD, Walden University
Public Service
Brooks Free Library VITAL Program, Volunteer - Harwich
Center for Coastal Studies, Volunteer - Provincetown
Awards / Honors
Jaime Excalante Mathematics Teacher Award, Sacramento County Office of Education, 1997
Faculty Excellence Award, San Juan Unified School District, 2002
Professional Excellence, San Juan Unified School District, 1995
Professional Excellence, San Juan Unified School District, 1996
Professional Excellence, San Juan Unified School District, 1997
Professional Excellence, San Juan Unified School District, 2000
Professional Excellence, San Juna Unified School District, 1999
McELROY, B. (2000). PreCalculus; Calculus.
McElroy, B. (1996). Assessment Practices in Mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
McElroy, W. P. (1994). Portfolio Building/ Student Assessment. California League of High Schools
McElroy, W. P. (1995). Portfolio Building/ Student Assessment. California League of High Schools
McElroy, W. P. (1996). Portfolio Building/ Student Assessment. National High School Association
McElroy, W. P. (1994). Portfolio Building/ Student Assessment: . CDE (California Department of Education