Bill Davis

Contributing Faculty
College of Health Sciences and Public Policy
Ph.D. Public Health

W. Sumner Davis is a Scientist, Educator, Clinical Epidemiologist, Medical Psychologist, and Forensic Scientist. He is a consultant in the areas of Public Health and Infection Control in Northern New England and has been a Senior Consultant for several organizations. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master in Public Health, a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Epidemiology, a Master in Divinity, Master of Sacred Literature with a focus on Medieval History and Systematics, a Master of Science in Human Services specializing in Community Health Psychology, a Masters in Healthcare Administration, a Masters of Science in Criminal Justice, Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology, a Masters in Science in Health Education and Promotion, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Psychology. He also holds Graduate Certificates in Clinical Research Administration, Applied Project Management, and Family Systems Theory. He completed his clinical training in Emergency Psychiatric Intake at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine.

He has been a visiting professor at Husson University, Unity College, New England College, and Walden University, where he serves doctoral candidates in the Ph.D. and Dr.PH in Public Health program and serves in the role of URR for both programs.

Dr. Davis is active in the community, has served on the Board of Directors for the Waterville Area Humane Society, and is a member of several non-profit organizations. He is also an active member of professional organizations, including the American College of Epidemiology, the National Environmental Health Association, the International Epidemiological Association, the Royal Society of Public Health, the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, The American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and The Institute for Health Improvement. He is an inductee of The Royal Society of Canada and the Ayanay Psychological Association in the UK.

Dr. Davis belongs to The Golden Key International Honor Society, The Society for Health Psychology, the Sigma Alpha Pi Honor Society, the Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society, the National Society of Leadership, the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, the Psi Chi National Honor Society, and is a lifetime member of The International HI-IQ Society, and Infinity International.

Dr. Davis is a regular contributor to several journals, a peer-reviewer for Military Medicine, and an associate editor for Public Health, Epidemiology, and Neurology journals. He is a STEM mentor for medical and health science undergraduate students. He has published over two dozen books and over 100 articles and essays. A true polymath, he is one of the most academically qualified people in the world.


BA, University of Maine at Farmington

M.Scs, Sringfield College

MDiv, Bangor Theological Seminary

MPH, Walden University

PhD, Walden University

Postbaccalaureate Certificate, Walden University

Postbaccalaureate Certificate, Walden University

Postbaccalaureate Certificate, Walden University

MHA, Walden University

Public Service

EC Journal of Neurology, Other -

MO Journal of Public Health, Other -

Military Medicine Journal, Other -

Humane Society, Board Member - Waterville

Team Red, White & Blue, Other -

MentorNet, Other -

Awards / Honors

Membership, Sigma Alpha Pi Honor Society , 2017

Membership, Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society , 2018

Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, , 2018


Davis, W. Alcohol Effects on Fetal Brain Development: The Case of Cynthia. MOJ Public Health

Davis, W. (2013). Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Development: Insights from Children with Perinatal Brain Injury. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Davis, W., Alexander, N., Fufaa, G. (2018). Association Between Child Abuse and Hypertension in Adulthood. Global Scientific Research Journal of Public Health

Davis, W., Lo, M. C., Giffen, R. P., Pakulski, . A., Bernstien, S. A., Wise, D. V. (2017). High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Rollover Accidents and Injuries to U.S. Army Soldiers by Reported Occupant Restraint Use, 1992–2013 . Military Medicine

Bernstein, S. A., Lo, M., Davis, W. S., Bernstein, S. A., Lo, M., Davis, W. (2017). Proposing Using Waist-to-Height Ratio as the Initial Metric for Body Fat Assessment Standards in the U.S. Army. Military Medicine

Davis, W., Capó-Aponte, . E., Lo, M., Casto, K. L. (2016). Retrospective Case Series of US Service Members Medically Evacuated from Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn with Blast-Re- lated Head and Facial Injuries. EC Journal of Neurology

Davis, W. (2017). Surfing the Web with a Cave-Man Brain, or Art Appreciation 40,000 BCE. EC Journal of Neurology

Davis, W., Van Horn, S. A. (2015). The Prevalence of Migraine in US Military Beneficiaries with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and Sjögren’s Syndrome: a Preliminary Study. EC Journal of Neurology

Davis, W. Vaccine or Mask Policy: One Epidemiologists Opinion on the Ethics of this Healthcare Policy. MOJ Public Health

Davis, W., Alexander, N., Fufaa, G. (2018). Association Between Child Abuse and Hypertension in Adulthood. Global Scientific Research Journal of Public Health

Davis, W. (2018). Inflammation: the normal response to injury an editorial of the natural healing qualities.

Davis, W. (2022). Adventures in Epidemiology.

Britt, D., Davis, W. (2020). COVID-19: Observed effects on mental health and neurology. MOJ Public Health

Davis, W., Alexander, N., Fufaa, G. (2018). Association Between Child Abuse and Hypertension in Adulthood. Global Scientific Research Journal of Public Health

Banerjee, S. K., Szirony, G., McCune, N., Davis, W., Subocz, S. L., Ragsdale, B. L. (2022). Transforming Social Determinants to Educational Outcomes: Geospatial Considerations.. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)

Davis, W., Van Horn, S. A. (2015). The Prevalence of Migraine in US Military Beneficiaries with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and Sjögren’s Syndrome: a Preliminary Study. EC Journal of Neurology

Pink, S., Davis, W. (2021). Nutrition as a Potential Risk Factor for Viral Influenza Infections. MOJ Public health


Davis, W. (2013). Creating Mindful Communications.

Davis, W. (2016). Future Trends of Online Health Science Education.

Davis, W., Karmine, L. (2016). The ASDAT Retrospective Study. Aerospace Medical Association

Davis, W. (2016). The Human across the Life Span. Eastern Maine Community College

Davis, W. (2013). Transactional Analysis: Effective communication in the workplace.. Graham Behavioral Services

Davis, W. (2013). Transactional Analysis: Effective communication in the workplace.. Graham Behavioral Services

Davis, W. (2018). Trauma and Chronic Disease. Central Michigan University

Davis, W., Bernstien, S. A. (2016). Using waist to height ratio as the initial metric for body fat assessment and standards in the U S Army. Aerospace Medical Society

Davis, W., Banerjee, S. K., Anderson, P. B. (2022). C-Reactive Protein and Sexual Frequency.

Davis, W., Banerjee, S. K., Anderson, P. B. (2023). Gender Modifies the Effect of Sexual Minority Status on Suicidal Ideation.

Davis, W., Banerjee, S. K., Anderson, P. B. (2023). Myocardial Infarction increase High-Risk Overall Mortality. .

Davis, W., Banerjee, S. K., Szirony, G., Subocz, S. L. (2022). Transforming Social Determinants to Applied Educational Outcomes through GiS Techniques. Johns Hopkins