Vickie Chappell
Dr. Chappell is a core/FT faculty member in Walden’s graduate public health programs. In this role, she teaches graduate-level coursework, assists with program development and accreditation-related activities, serves on program and school committees, and participates in scholarly, professional, and public service activities.
Prior to joining Walden, Dr. Chappell served as MPH Director at Missouri State University (MSU) for 3½ years. From 1999-2009, she was at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) and, for the last 5 of those years, as MPH Director. At both MSU and EKU, she led the self-study/accreditation process, and both programs were granted initial CEPH accreditation.
Dr. Chappell' s areas of professional focus include health-risk behaviors, women’s health, and human sexuality. She has been involved in numerous public health, community-based service and scholarly activities and has served as principal and co-principal investigator of multiple state and local grant-funded activities related to sex education, youth and college health-risk behaviors.
MPH, Eastern Kentucky University
EdD, University of Central Florida
MA, Wright State University
BS, California State University, East Bay