Vanessa Lyons
Dr. Lyons has been teaching online for over 10 years in a variety of programs and levels. Her clinical background is in perioperative nursing where she served as perioperative staff development and technology coordinator. She developed a passion for patient safety technologies and completed a post-master's certificate in Healthcare Informatics through the University of Missouri and has worked in informatics, focusing in informatics utilization in rural settings. Dr. Lyons is active in a variety of organizations including NLN, AMIA, ANA, Sigma Theta Tau, AORN, OADN, and AMSN, where she has held a variety of local, state, and national positions. She completed her dissertation looking at the use of surgical safety checklists in both urban and rural settings to identify differences in implementation. She is also passionate about teaching and serves as the Access and Success Coordinator for the RN program at the local community college where she assists students in returning to further their education and works with at-risk students to improve retention. She is also the program coordinator for the LPN-to-RN Bridge program.
Courses Taught
NURS 3110 - Information Management and Patient Care Technologies
PhD, University of Missouri
MSN, Walden University
Graduate Certificate, University of Missouri
Post-master's Certificate, Walden University
AS, Paducah Community College
AAS, Paducah Community College
Public Service
National League for Nursing, Board of Directors -
Kentucky League for Nursing, Volunteer -
The Reformation Project, Volunteer -
Awards / Honors
2022 Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Teaching, West Kentucky Community and Technical College, 2022
Blackboard Exemplary Course Status, Blackboard, 2023
Lyons, V. E., Popejoy, L. L. (2014). Meta-analysis of outcomes of checklists on teamwork and communication, morbidity, mortality, and safety compliance. Western Journal of Nursing Research
Popejoy, L., Khalilia, M., Popescu, M., Galambos, C., Lyons, V. E., Rantz, M., Hicks, L., Stetzer, F. (2014). Quantifying care coordination dose using natural language processing and domain specific ontology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Lyons, V. E., Wing, T. (2015). Getting ready for emerging perioperative technologies. AORN Journal