Tracy Senstock

Core Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Tracy Senstock has been training counselors and counselor educators since 1988. She has held university leadership roles since 1991 including Coordinator, Division Director, Program Chair, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Program Director, Senior Academic Program Director, and Associate Dean. She has extensive experience with CACREP accreditation and professional leadership. She has led accredited programs in Counseling (Masters and Doctoral), Counseling Psychology (Doctoral), Clinical Psychology (Doctoral), School Psychology (EdS and Doctoral), Marriage and Family Therapy (Masters and Doctoral), and Pastoral Counseling (Masters). She is a licensed professional counselor in Colorado and is a National Certified Counselor.

Dr. Senstock serves as a core faculty for all of the School of Counseling programs including: Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling; School Counseling; and Counselor Education and Supervision.

Awards / Honors

Robert O. Stripling Award for Excellence in Standards, ACES, 2016


Stapleton, R. A., Young, A. J., Senstock, T. Coping Styles and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Direct Care Staff Working in Residential Treatment Centers. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs

van Asselt, K. W., Senstock, T. (2009). Influence of Counselor Spirituality and Training on Treatment Focus and Self-Perceived Competence. Journal of Counseling & Development


Slyter, M. J., Young, A. J., Senstock, T. (2014). Dealing with Student Conduct Issues in an Online Environment: What works? . RMACES

Slyter, M. J., Senstock, T., Young, A. J. (2015). Dealing with Student Conduct Issues in an Online Environment: What works?. ACES

Senstock, T., Young, A. J. (2013). Promotion and Tenure: How to Prepare and Succeed. . ACES

Senstock, T., Scott, S., Young, A. J. (2013). Retention Strategies for Counselor Education Programs. ACES

Young, A. J., Slyter, M. J., Senstock, T. (2014). Words of Wisdom from a Panel of Past and Present Program Chairs/Directors. RMACES