Tomekia Luckett

Program Director
College of Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Dr. Tomekia Luckett PhD, RN is the Director, Nursing Continuing Professional Development at Walden University. Dr. Luckett has a nursing career spanning more than 21 years with over a decade of experience leading continuing education. Prior to joining Walden, Dr. Luckett served as the Director for the Council on Nursing Education for Mississippi Nurses Association where she currently volunteers and lends her expertise. Dr. Luckett completed her Ph.D. in Nursing Leadership at the University of Southern Mississippi, and received her B.S. in Nursing, and Master’s degree in Nursing Education from William Carey University. Dr. Luckett is well equipped and knowledgeable in the areas of social, scientific, and educational innovation. Dr. Luckett is a dedicated, life-long nurse committed to clinical practice, education, and administration.


AS, Southwest Ms Community College

BS, William Carey University

MSN, William Carey University

PhD, University of Southern Mississippi