Tina Pitt
Dr. Tina Pitt has over 22 years’ experience serving as an instructional designer, adult educator and executive administrator. For more than 10 years she’s been teaching in diverse learning environments focusing primarily in online learning. She has served in both undergraduate and graduate post-secondary institutions. Dr. Pitt began working online in 1994. As a pioneer in the field, she helped to create the first virtual online university and went onto developing online campuses and distance learning programs. She led the team developing the eCollege campus portal and learning management system. Dr. Pitt has worked with faculty, staff and administrators worldwide. Her Masters and Doctorate are in Adult and Community College Education from North Carolina State University.
Courses Taught
EDDD 8023 - Program Planning and Assessment mnb,,,
EDDD 8900 - Completing the Prospectus
EDDD 8990 - Completing Doctoral Capstone
EdD, North Carolina State University
MS, North Carolina State University
BA, Hunter College
Awards / Honors
Self Study Task Force Project Award, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 1999