Tim Vandergast

Dr. Tim VanderGast is from Charlotte, North Carolina. He completed his Master's in Mental Health Counseling. and PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. VanderGast currently lives and teaches full time in NJ. He has developed numerous new courses in counseling. Examples include Introduction to Play and Creative Therapies and Human Sexuality. Dr. VanderGast has taught most courses within the Professional Counseling curriculum. He has presented at National and International Counseling conferences. Dr. VanderGast has numerous publications in peer reviewed, counseling journals. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-NJ) and Certified School Counselor. He has been presenting and consulting in Early Childhood learning centers and primary school settings. Dr. VanderGast works directly with young children deemed at risk. He is an Approved Clinical Supervisor and supervises pre-licensed (LACs) in NJ. Dr. VanderGast has been a contributing faculty member at Walden for more than four years. He has taught Research and Program Evaluation and Ethics in Counseling.
Courses Taught
COUN 6306 - Ethics and Legal Issues
COUN 6626 - Research Meth & Prog Eval
PhD, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
MA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
BA, Domincan College of Blauvelt NY