Tom Kelley
Dr. Kelley is the Director of the Underwater Crime Scene Investigation program and Coordinator of the Public Safety and Security Bachelor's degree program at Florida State University in Panama City. Dr. Kelley earned his PhD from Florida State University in 2000 with an emphasis on crime prevention. Before coming to the FSU-PC campus as a faculty member in August 2001, he worked for the Social Security Administration as a medical disability investigator and in the corporate world as a Vice President of a securities firm. Following the USS Cole terrorist incident, Dr. Kelley was contracted by the Department of Defense to develop standardized protocols for underwater investigations. In order to accomplish this mission, a research team from many different disciplines including biology, forensic science, education, underwater archeology, ocean engineering, mechanical engineering, public safety diving and criminology was established. For the past sixteen years Dr. Kelley and his UCSI team have been active in training local, state and federal law enforcement investigative teams as well as working on investigations covering a myriad of accidental death and homicide cases. Dr. Kelley has been working at Walden University as an adjunct since 2009.