Tami Micsky
Dr. Tami Micsky is a Contributing Faculty in the MSW program at Walden University. She is the MSW Program Director and an Associate Professor of Social Work at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. She is a Licensed Social Worker and Certified Thanatologist, who has been working with children, teens, and young adults for over twenty-five years. Dr. Micsky has worked with the Erie County Office of Children and Youth, Highmark Caring Place, Community Counseling Center of Mercer County, and with Thiel College where she was the Director of the Disability Resource Center, a Counselor, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice. Prior to joining Slippery Rock and Walden Universities, she was an Assistant Professor and Field Director for the social work program at Mercyhurst University. Dr. Micsky received her BSW from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, her MSSA from Case Western Reserve University, and a Doctor of Social Work from Millersville & Kutztown Universities. Dr. Micsky is a member of the National Association of Social Workers, the Council on Social Work Education, and the Association of Death Education and Counseling. Dr. Micsky enjoys spending time boating, shopping, decorating, and traveling with her family.
DSW, Millersville University
MSSA, Case Western Reserve University
Public Service
SafeNet - Erie, PA – Intimate Partner Violence Medical Conference Committee , Committee Member - Erie
AFSP Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk , Volunteer - Erie
Micsky, T. (2022). Active Learning Lessons, Activities, and Assignments for the Modern Social Work Educator.
Micsky, T. (2021). Practicing Self-Care: Integrating a Photovoice Self-Care Assignment Into a Social Work Course.
Micsky, T. (2021). Termination of the Social Work Process: Field Education and COVID 19. Journal of Social Work Education
Micsky, T. (2020). Uncertain Times - Coping with Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Work Today
Micsky, T. (2020). Community of Inquiry (CoI): A Framework for Social Work Distance Educators.
Micsky, T. (2019). Community of Inquiry (CoI): A Framework for Social Work Distance Educators. . Journal of Teaching in Social Work
Micsky, T. (2017). Tis the Season to be Jolly? A Guide to Grief During the Holidays. The New Social Worker
Micsky, T. (2020). Coping with Grief at the Holidays.
Micsky, T. (2020). Change, Loss & Organizational Trauma.
Micsky, T. (2021). Photovoice for Social Work Education & Practice.
Micsky, T. (2020). A Pandemic of Grief: Understanding Loss during Crisis. NASW-PA
Micsky, T. (2020). A Pandemic of Loss: Coping with Grief.
Micsky, T. (2019). Self Care: Managing Loss During the Holidays. NASW-PA
Micsky, T. (2019). Exploring Loss Experiences: Understanding for Self-Care.
Micsky, T. (2019). Practicing Self Care: Integrating Photovoice into a Social Work Practice Course.
Micsky, T. (2019). Building Community in the Online Classroom.
Micsky, T. (2019). The Community of Inquiry Framework and Distance Education in Social Work.
Micsky, T. (2018). The Community of Inquiry Framework and Distance Education in Social Work. .
Micsky, T. (2018). Utilizing the Community of Inquiry Framework to Inform Distance Education in Social Work.
Micsky, T. (2017). Tis the season to be jolly? Coping with grief.
Micsky, T. (2017). Helping Children Cope with Loss..