Sydney Parent
Dr. Parent has worked in the Doctor of Education program at Walden University as a committee chair, second member, and University Research Reviewer (URR) since 2011. In addition, beginning in 2011 she has taught many Foundations courses as well as a number of Research in Practice courses at Walden University. Prior to her work at Walden University she was a faculty-mentor at Western Governors University in the Master of Education program beginning in 2001, specializing in research, instructional design, technology integration, and measurement and evaluation.
Currently, Dr. Parent and her husband live in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, where she is active in her church and coordinates services for the ill and elderly.
BA, Brigham Young University
MSW, University of Utah
PhD, Brigham Young University
Public Service
Myself when a Doctoral Student, Other - Navajo Reservation
Twenty-first Century Grants (2), Provo Scbhool District, Board of Directors - Provo
Gear Up Grant, Provo School District, Board of Directors - Provo
Parent, S., Osguthorpe, R. T., Williams, D. D. (2001). A new model for school-university collaborative evaluation. American Educational Research Association
Jiang, M., Shrader, V., Parent, S. (2002). An in-depth look at strategies for mentoring online adult learners. Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning
Osguthorpe, R. T., Cutler, B. R., Parent, S. (1997). Campus-wide collaboration to improve teacher education and schooling. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Jiang, M., Parent, S., Eastmond, D. (2004). Effectiveness of web-based learning opportunities in a competency-based program.
Parent, S., Williams, D. D. (1997). Evaluation as a tool for renewal: Talking together in a school-university partnership. American Educational Research Association
Parent, S., Bunderson, E. D. (1995). Expectations for the public schools held by Native American parents for their children. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association
Parent, S., Jiang, M., Shrader, V. E. (2005). Searching for faculty best practices in an online, competency-based university. American Educational Research Association
Jiang, M., Parent, S. (2005). What Factors Are Affecting Students' Success in a Competency-based Online Distance Learning Program?. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.
Parent, S., McAllister, J., Jiang, M. (2005). Finding a good fit: What prospective graduate students want to know about the university and what faculty want to know about them. Hawaii International Education conference
Wygant, S., Parent, S., Heimberger, M. (2001). Expectations of success: How provider preconceptions can impact satisfaction and effectiveness in service-learning efforts. International Service-Learning Research Conference
Shrader, V. E., Parent, S., Breithaupt, D. L. (2005). Factors for Success: Characteristics of graduates in an online program. Hawaii International Education conference