Suzanne Paul
Suzanne Paul's area of training is as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She has provided care to HIV positive children, adolescents, and pregnant women for 18 years. Recently she has moved into a leadership role providing care to children struggling with their weight in Denver, Colorado.
Courses Taught
N 6565 - Nursing Synthesis
BSN, University of Viriginia
MSN, Emory Univeristy
Public Service
Northfield High School, Board Member - Denver
Awards / Honors
Dlice Miller Hertzberg Award, University of Colorado, 2018
Paul, S. M. (2018). Implementing Telehealth into the Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program (CHIP) Clinic. 1974
Paul, S. M. (2017). Implementing Telehealth into the Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program (CHIP) Clinic. 1974