Susana Verdinelli
Dr. Susana Verdinelli is a core research full-time faculty whose work concentrates on chairing and co-chairing dissertation projects in psychology. She obtained a doctoral degree in counseling psychology from Our Lady of the Lake University and two master’s degrees in educational psychology and school counseling from the University at Buffalo. She completed a one-year post-doctoral fellowship at a non-profit, community mental health agency in Dallas, TX. Dr. Verdinelli obtained a Fullbright/LASPAU fellowship; and for the last thirteen years she worked at Walden University teaching and mentoring dissertation students. Dr. Verdinelli obtained two grants at Walden including the social change and the faculty research initiative grant to conduct research on persons with disabilities and online education. Dr. Verdinelli has taught a variety of courses including Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis, Research Theory, Design, and Methods, Multicultural Counseling, and Writing a Quality Prospectus in Psychology. Dr. Verdinelli’s research interests include gender, disability, diverse populations, intersectionality, visualization in qualitative research, Latinx psychology, cyberpsychology, and psychology and environmental issues. Dr. Verdinelli's extensively taught qualitative research methods and primarily guided students in their dissertations using this methodology.
Courses Taught
PSYC 9000 - Dissertation
RSCH 8360 - Advanced Qualitative Research
RSCH 8310 - Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis
PsyD, Our Lady of the Lake University
MA, State University of New York at Buffalo
MS, State University of New York at Buffalo
Post-master's Certificate, Our Lady of the Lake University
Awards / Honors
Educational Scholarship, LASPAU/Fulbright, 1998
Walden University School of Psychology Award of Excellence , Walden University, 2018
Diaz-Lazaro, C. M., Verdinelli, S. (2022). Autoevaluación cultural e interseccionalidad: Herramientas decolonizadoras en la enseñanza y formación psicológica [Cultural self-assessment and intersectionality: Decolonizing tools in psychological teaching and training]. . Revista de Psicología
Scagnoli, N. I., Verdinelli, S. (2017). Editors’ perspective on the use of visual displays in qualitative studies. . The Qualitative Report, 22(7), 1945-1963.
Verdinelli, S., Scagnoli, N. I. (2016). Persistence factors among online graduate students with disabilities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(4), 353-368.
Verdinelli, S., Scagnoli, N. I. (2013). Data Display in Qualitative Research. . International Journal of Qualitative Methods
Verdinelli, S., Biever, J. (2009). Spanish–English bilingual psychotherapists: Personal and professional language development and use. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Verdinelli, S., Gentile, J. R. (2003). Changes in Teaching Philosophies Among In-Service Teachers After Experiencing Mastery Learning. Action in Teacher Education
Sypolt, T., Verdinelli, S. (2023). Latino/a/X clients’ experiences receiving mental health therapy.
Maxie, C. A., Verdinelli, S. (2023). Child protection workers’ experiences in implementing natural mentoring with older foster youth.
Verdinelli, S., Scagnoli, N. I. (2021). Quality criteria for the use of visuals in qualitative research.