Suz Wilhelm

Susan Wilhelm received her PhD in Adult Learning and Technology from the University of Wyoming in 2002. She has serving as an Assistant Professor in the Master’s of Nursing Education Program at Walden University since 2018. Dr. Wilhelm has taught in a baccalaureate nursing program for over 30 years. Her expertise area is maternal-child nursing. She taught in an integrated concept-based curriculum for seven years. She has also been a faculty consultant to facilitate the transition to concept-based curriculum for faculty across the nation. She has taught Master of Nursing Education Courses as well. Dr. Wilhelm has a passion for teaching nursing students and mentoring new faculty. Dr. Wilhelm has conducted intervention studies to promote breastfeeding in rural, Hispanic, and Native American mothers. She has also served as an Assistant Dean for 13 years.
She currently has an RN license through the state of Colorado, # 54071, 9/30/24
BSN, University of Northern Colorado
MSN, University of Wyoming
PhD, University of Wyoming
Public Service
Nebraska Panhandle Area Health Education Center, Board Member - Scottsbluff
March of Dimes Colorado Region, Committee Member - Torrington
Business and Professional Women, Member - Scottsbluff
Awards / Honors
Outstanding Teacher of the Year, UNMC CON, 2018
Nebraska Nurse of the Year, March of Dimes, 2011
Rural Leader of the Year, -Nebraska Action Coalition, 2016
Wilhelm, S. L., Aguirre, T. M., Koehler, A., Rodehorst, T. K. (2015). Evaluating Motivational Interviewing to Promote Breastfeeding by Rural Mexican-American Mothers: the Challenge of Attrition. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing
Wilhelm, S. L., Joshi, A., Amadi, C., Meza, J., Aguirre, T. M. (2016). Evaluation of a computer-based bilingual breastfeeding educational program on breastfeeding knowledge, self-efficacy and intent to breastfeed among rural Hispanic women. International Journal of Medical Informatics
Wilhelm, S. L., Joshi, A., Aguirre, T. M., Trout, K. E. (2014). Exploration of factors influencing initiation and continuation of breastfeeding among Hispanic women living in rural settings: A multi-methods study. Rural and Remote Health
Wilhelm, S. L., Aguirre, T. M. (2016). Feasibility of a Bilingual, Interactive, Computer‐Based Breastfeeding Support Program for Rural Hispanic Women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing
Wilhelm, S. L., Aguirre, T. M., Koehler, A., Joshi, A. (2015). Recruitment and retention challenges and successes. Ethnicity and Health
Wilhelm, S. L., Burbach, B., Sarh, T. A., Sue, B., Suhasini, K., Connie, M., Paul, P. (2016). Student-perceived influences on performance during simulation. Journal of Nursing Education
Wilhelm, S. Transitioning from a Traditional to a Concept Based Curriculum: Faculty’s Experience. Nursing Education Perspectives
Kathy, H. M., Kathy, K. L., Sara, B., Christie, C., Alyssa, F., Amy, F., Susan, W. L. (2018). A Scoping Review of Transitions, Stress, and Adaptation among Emerging Adults. Advances in Nursing Science,
Wilhelm, S. L., Aguirre, T. M., Koehler, A. M. (2013). Motivational interviewing to promote sustained breastfeeding with Hispanic mothers: Results, Recruitment, and Retention Challenges. MNRS
Wilhelm, S. (2019). The Effects of a Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Increase Breastfeeding Duration in Rural Hispanic Mothers . AWHONN
Wilhelm, S. L., Aguirre, T. M. (2015). Feasibility of a touch screen computerized education program to promote sustained breastfeeding with Hispanic women. AWHONN
Wilhelm, S. L. (2018). Notes from the field: Making the Transition from a Traditional Nursing Curriculum to a Concept Based Curriculum. MNRS
Wilhelm, S. L. (2015). We have adopted the concept based curriculum, what about our simulation lab? . INACSL
Wilhelm, S. L. (2018). Use of Multi-taction I-Wall to Enhance Multi-Sensory Learning . CAHEC