Susan E Chrisman
Susan Kasal Chrisman received her PhD in Nursing at the University of Kansas School of Nursing in August 1995, her Master’s and BSN at Saint Louis University and has been a Registered Nurse for 50 years. She currently is a contributing faculty member at Walden University College of Nursing in the Nurse Educator track. Dr. Chrisman recently retired after 37 years from Research College of Nursing in partnership with Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO. Before nursing education, she worked full-time as a RN for 10+ years in hospital settings and while teaching she continued working PRN at local area hospitals.
Courses Taught
NURS 6003-6 - Graduate Study for Advance Nursing Practice
PhD, University of Kansas School of Nursing
MSN, Saint Louis University
BSN, Saint Louis University
Adult/Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program, University of Kansas School of Nursing
Roberts, K. K., Chrisman, S. K., Flowers, C. (2013). The perceived needs of nurse clinicians as they move into an adjunct clinical faculty role: A naturalistic inquiry. Journal of Professional Nursing
Beisecker, A. E., Wright, L. J., Chrisman, S. K., Ashworth, J. (1996). Family caregiver perceptions of benefits and barriers to the use of adult day care for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Research on Aging
Chrisman, S. K. (1995). Relational communication, interpersonal communication satisfaction, and diabetes self-efficacy in nurse-client interaction.
Neuberger, G. B., Kasal, S., Smith, K. V., Hassanein, R., DeViney, S. (1994). Determinants of exercise and aerobic fitness in outpatients with arthritis. Nursing Research
Kasal, S. E. (1985). Infractions in aseptic technique: a research study... in the OR. AORN
Mahoney, G., Chrisman, S. K. (2017). Developing an evidence-based competency assessment . University of Missouri-Columbia
Chrisman, S. K. (2010). Facilitating the Transition from Clinician to Nurse Educator. ATI