Stephen Hampe

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
M.S. Forensic Psychology

During graduate school, Dr. Hampe was elected to the governing committee of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) as the Member-at-large, Practice Focus. For two years, he represented graduate students to the various practice organizations, thus far the only student from a distance program elected to APA governance.

His dissertation work investigated whether people's online behavior becomes disinhibited due to their personality or the experience of being online itself.
Clinical-forensic training began with a year-long externship at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan; internship was at the Illinois Dept. of Corrections forensic facility, Dixon Correctional Center; first post-doctoral fellowship was with the Sex Offender Treatment Program at Central NY Psychiatric Center; later, he completed a second fellowship in geropsychology.

Most recently, he worked as a consulting psychologist at the Taberg Residential Center for Girls, NYS's only limited secure facility for female juvenile offenders.

Dr. Hampe's teaching career began during graduate school. A conversation at a professional luncheon led to his first adjunct appointment to CUNY - Brooklyn College. His most recent on-campus appointment was to Utica College.

Dr. Hampe was appointed contributing faculty to forensic psychology program at Walden in 2010, where he provides instruction for numerous courses & residencies and is serving on several dissertation committees as chair, second committee member, and university reviewer.

Courses Taught

FPSY 6145 - Ethical Issues & Professional Responsibilities (lead faculty)

FPSY 6910/8910 - Legal Issues & Social Change in Forensic Psych

FPSY 6115/8116 - Understanding Forensic Psychology Research


PhD, Capella University

MEd, Mercy College

Awards / Honors

Distinguished Dissertation Award, APA Division 46, 2007


Hampe, S. (2017). A Worthwhile Investment for Any Therapist’s Toolbox. PsycCRITIQUES

Hampe, S. (2016). Social Psychology Presented a Bit Too Socially. PsycCRITIQUES