Stacy Bjorkman

Dr. Bjorkman’s background is in school psychology and educational administration in the K-12 setting. As the BS in Psychology Academic Program Coordinator, she enjoys conducting action research with adult learners in the online classroom to continually pursue effective educational delivery.
Dr. Bjorkman earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and her master’s and Ph.D. in psychology from Northern Illinois University.
Courses Taught
PSYC 3002 - Introduction to Basic Statistics
PSYC 3001 - Cognitive Psychology
BS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
MA, Northern Illinois University
PhD, Northern Illinois University
Illinois Type 75 Administration Certificate, Northern Illinois University
Public Service
AGC Scholarship Foundation, Board of Directors - Mansfield
Data Safety Monitoring Board, Board Member - Chicago
Memories Held, Volunteer - Chicago
Awards / Honors
Faculty Excellence Award, Walden University, 2017
Faculty Excellence Award, Walden University, 2015
Bjorkman, S. (2010). Developing support systems and managing stress. Communique
Bjorkman, S. (2000). Racing toward a dream: An interview with Jean Driscoll. Concepts
McKee, M., Bjorkman, S., Costello, P. (2016). Use of “Post-First” function in online classes.
Bjorkman, S., McKee, M., Oppenlander, J., Banner, P. (2016). Using technology to promote engagement in online statistics courses. CAUSEweb
Bjorkman, S., Summers, K. (2014). Ensuring statistical literacy for pre-service education majors. CAUSEweb