Sidney Shaw

Core Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Shaw has been a mental health counselor since 2002. He has worked in settings such as rural community mental health in Alaska, school counseling, adventure-based counseling, medical clinic settings for native peoples, private practice, and as a mental health consultant for Job Corps. He has conducted trainings and presentations at national, regional, state, and local levels and has been an invited keynote speaker for state counseling conferences. He is a published author in peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, The Journal of Mental Health Counseling, The Family Journal, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, and The Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. He has also published book chapters, several articles in Counseling Today, and co-published a professional training video on Cultural Humility in Counseling with Alexander Press. Dr. Shaw's current research and clinical interest areas include anxiety disorders, trauma/PTSD, artificial intelligence and technology in counseling, suicide assessment and intervention, psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, and psychological flexibility as a path to increased well-being. Dr. Shaw became a core faculty member in Walden’s MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program in 2014.

Courses Taught

RSCH 8260 - Advanced Quantitative Reasoning

COUN 6722 - Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories

COUN 6723 - Multicultural Counseling

COUN 6326 - Research and Evaluation

COUN 6720 - Diagnosis and Assessment

COUN 6785 - Prevention and Consultation

COUN 6316 - Techniques of Counseling

COUN 6730 - Counseling Addictive Disorders


EdD, University of Montana

MA, University of Montana

BS, Kennesaw State University

Public Service

Poverello Center for Homelessness, Volunteer - Missoula

Alaska Immigration Justice Project, Volunteer - Anchorage

Awards / Honors

Bertha Morton Fellowship, University of Montana, 2012

RMACES Scholar, Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 2012


King, K., Bridges, C., Shaw, S. (2024). Counselor lesbian, gay, bisexual competency: Christian and non-religious addiction counseling programs.. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 18, 187–198.

Shaw, S. L., Oswin, S. L., Xi, Y., Calandriello, F., Fulmer, R. (2023). Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality in Counseling: Distinctions, Evidence, and Research Considerations. Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision

Rides At The Door, M., Shaw, S. (2023). The other side of the ACESs pyramid: A healing framework for Indigenous communities. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Shaw, S. L., Green, J. (2022). Cognitive-Behavioral theories. In D. Capuzzi & M. D. Stauffer (Eds.), Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions (7th ed., pp. 193-216). American Counseling Association..

Shaw, S. L., Lombardero, A., Babins-Wagner, R., Sommers-Flanagan, J. (2019). Counseling Canadian Indigenous Peoples: Therapeutic alliance and outcome. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 47(1), 49-68

Shaw, S. L. (2020). Learning from highly effective counselors.. Counseling Today

Shaw, S. L. (2017). Cultural Humility: Embracing the Client’s View of Culturally Responsive Counseling. Counseling Today, 59(1), 42-48.. Counseling Today

Sommers-Flanagan, J., Shaw, S. (2017). Suicide risk assessment: What psychologists should know. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48(2), 98-106. doi: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Sommers-Flanagan, J., Shaw, S. L. (2017). Clinical interviews. In A. Wenzel. (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. SAGE Publications..

Shaw, S. L., Murray, K. W. (2015). Incorporating feedback-informed treatment into counseling Practice. Counseling Today, 57(12), 44-51.. Counseling Today

Shaw, S., Murray, K. W. (2014). Monitoring alliance and outcome with client feedback measures. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 36(1), 43-57. Retrieved from Journal Of Mental Health Counseling

Polanchek, S., Shaw, S. (2015). Ten intimate relationship research findings every counselor should know. Counseling Today,59(6), 34-39. . Counseling Today

Sommers-Flanagan, J., Polanchek, S., Zeleke, W. A., Hood, M., Shaw, S. L. (2014). Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Consultations on Parent Stress and Competence. The Family Journal, 23(1), 49-55. doi: The Family Journal


Shaw, S. (2024). Minds and Machines: Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Counseling and Counselor Education. [Invited Keynote]. Turkcess

Shaw, S. L. (2022). Psychological Flexibility as a Target for Student and Faculty Well-Being. . Rocky Mountain Association of Counselor Education and Supervision

Shaw, S. L., Oswin, S. (2022). Psychedelic Assisted Counseling: Preparing Students for Emerging Trends. . Rocky Mountain Association of Counselor Education and Supervision

Shaw, S. L. (2022). A Strength and Wellness-Focused Approach to Suicide Assessment and Intervention. Keynote Speaker. South Dakota Counseling Association Annual Conference. April 30th, 2022..

Sophie, O., Shaw, S. (2022). (2022, April 7-9). Preparing Counselors In Training for Suicide Assessment and Intervention [Poster presentation]. American Counseling Association, Atlanta, Georgia. .

Shaw, S. L. (2020). Cultural Humility in Primary Care Practice. Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana. 10/7/2020.. Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana

Shaw, S. L., Lombardero, A. (2020). Marriage, Intimate Relationships, & Medicine. .

Shaw, S. L. (2020). Multicultural Orientation in Community Mental Health. Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center

Sommers-Flanagan, J., Shaw, S. L. (2013). The Clinical Interview: Themes, Variations, and Solutions. American Counseling Association, Annual Conference. Cincinnati, OH. 2013

Shaw, S. (2019). Race and Racism in Medicine. WWAMI Medical School. University of Washington. Anchorage, AK. 3/20/19

Shaw, S. (2018). Ten Multicultural Counseling Research Findings for Counselors to Know. Rocky Mountain Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Park City, UT. 10/5/18

Shaw, S. L. (2018). Culture, Kids, and Family. Invited Lecture. University of Alaska, Anchorage. Clinical Psychology Program

Shaw, S. (2017). Practice-based Evidence: Improving Client Outcomes through Feedback- Informed Counseling. New Mexico Counseling Association Annual Conference. April, 28, Albuquerque, NM..

Shaw, S. (2017). Cultural Humility: Improving Counseling Outcomes and Privileging the Client’s Voice. New Mexico Counseling Association Annual Conference. April, 28, Albuquerque, NM..

Shaw, S. (2017). Increasing Psychotherapy Effectiveness with the Partners for Change Outcome Management System. Training at the New Mexico Veterans Affairs Hospital. New Mexico Veterans Affairs

Shaw, S. (2016). Shaw, S. L. (2016). Feedback Informed Counseling: An Evidence-Based Approach to Empower Clients and Increase Effectiveness. New Mexico Counseling Association Annual Conference. June 4, Albuquerque, NM.

Shaw, S. (2017). Increasing Psychotherapy Effectiveness with the Partners for Change Outcome Management System. Training at the New Mexico Veterans Affairs Hospital. New Mexico Veterans Affairs

Shaw, S. (2016). Cultural Humility: Embracing the Client’s View of Culturally Responsive Counseling. American Counseling Association Conference and Expo. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. .

Shaw, S. (2016). Feedback Informed Counseling: 3 Simple Steps to Improve Effectiveness and Empower Clients. Walden University Wow Workshop. 1/13/2016.

Shaw, S., Murray, K. (2015). Strengthening the Supervisory Alliance through Supervisee Feedback. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference..

Shaw, S., Murray, K. (2014). Shaw, S. L. (2014). Are All Counselors from Lake Wobegon: Addressing Self-Assessment Bias and Improving Counseling Outcomes. Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education & Supervision, 2014 Conference..

Shaw, S. L. (2014). Shaw, S. L. (2014). Counseling Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Alliance, Outcome, and Counselor Training Level. Poster Session at Walden University Research Symposium.

Shaw, S., Murray, K. (2014). Murray, K., & Shaw, S. L. (2014). Navigating Layers of Feedback: Assessing the Supervisory Alliance. Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education & Supervision, 2014 Conference..

Polanchek, S., Shaw, S. (2014). Polanchek, S., & Shaw, S. L. (2014). 10 Relationship Science findings that every counselor should know. American Counseling Association Annual Convention..

Shaw, S. L. (2014). Shaw, S. L. (2014). Feedback informed counseling: Improving outcomes and increasing accountability. 3 hour Learning Institute at the American Counseling Association Annual Convention..

Shaw, S., Murray, K. (2013). Shaw, S. L., & Murray, K. (2013). The Power of Feedback: Improving Counselor Training, Accountability, and Supervision with Formal Client Feedback.

Shaw, S. L. (2020). Cultural Humility in Mental Health Practice. Walden University