Sheryl Richard
Sheryl Richard is a health and well-being professional who empathetically works with leaders with varying aspirations. She has in-depth experience with private, corporate, and community coaching, facilitation, training, teaching, mentoring, fitness, IT project management, and research with qualitative expertise. Among her research interests are evidence-based sustainable behavior/lifestyle change, coaching and education; social ecological health model; determinants of health; health disparities and inequities; vulnerable populations, and preventable chronic disease. Sheryl holds a PhD in Community Health with Walden University; a Master’s in Organizational Management with the University of Phoenix; and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration & Management Information Systems with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She currently holds certifications including International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Coach Certification (PCC), Wellcoaches Professional Health/Wellness Coach (CPHWC), National Board Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC), and Project Management Professional (PMP) through the Project Management Institute. Sheryl has worked with Wellcoaches since 2009 and is currently a Wellcoaches Training Faculty team member and Certification Examiner. Academically, Sheryl serves as Walden University MHA Academic Program Coordinator and Dissertation Chair/Mentor for online doctoral Health Professions and Healthcare Administration programs. Likewise, she fulfills the role of Doctoral Faculty Advisor for Franklin University’s undergraduate healthcare program. Sheryl’s faith and spiritual foundation are the premise upon which she is able to fulfill her lifelong passion for prayerfully helping others to be wholly well. Through her Magnificent Messmaker® ministry and courses, professional practice, and aspiration to help others embody their full potential, Sheryl graciously encourages, inspires, educates, and coaches others to be, do, live, and give their best while authentically growing in the fullness of who they are.
Courses Taught
DDHA/HLTH 8050 - Global Health and Issues in Disease Prevention
DDHA/HLTH 8400 - Human Resource Management for Healthcare Administrators
DDHA 8450 - Project and Resource Management for Health Services Organizations
HLTH 8201 - Principles of Population Health in Healthcare Administration
HLTH 9001-255 - Dissertation
PhD, Walden University
MA, University of Phoenix
BS, University of Nevada Las Vegas
AAS, Community College of Southern Nevada
Public Service
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Board Member -
Word of Life Christian Center Church, Member - Las Vegas
Richard, S. L. (2016). Cultivating Self-Acceptance Along Your Journey. Webinar Presentation . Wellcoaches