Sandy White

Contributing Faculty
College of Management and Technology
B.S. Business Administration (BSBA)

Dr. Sandra White has over twenty-five (25) years in human resources. She has held positions such as, Vice President, Director, Manager and Analyst. Dr. White has experience in for profit, non-profit, manufacturing, engineering and retail. She has taught on-line and traditional formats for fifteen years at higher educational level.

Dr. White earned a bachelor's degree in management (human resource emphasis), and has three master degrees, human resource development (Clemson University), management and counseling (Webster University). She holds an earned DBA (doctorate of business administration) through Wilmington University. She has been married for twenty-nine (29) years and enjoys spending time with her husband and four-legged children (Taffy and Koal).

Courses Taught

BUSI 3001/3007 - Knowledge Management & Org. Change

MGMT 4400 - Organizational Behavior and Mgt.

BUSI 3003/MGMT3102 - Dynamics of Change

BUSI 1002-7 - Intro to Mgt. and Leadership

HRMG 3001 - Human Resource Mgt.

HRMG 4201 - Strategic Human Resource Mgt.

HRMG 4122 - HR Mgt. Analysis and Problems


Master of Human Resource Development, Clemson University

MA, Webster University

MA, Webster University