Robin Friedman

Senior Core Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Developmental Psychology

Dr. Friedman has a PhD in clinical psychology with an emphasis in writing and education, from The Union Institute. She worked as a clinical psychologist in private practice for ten years and then transitioned into teaching at the college level. She began to teach online psychology courses about 20 years ago and joined Walden in 2008. At Walden, she has worked primarily with dissertation and master's Capstone students. Her research expertise is in qualitative research, primarily phenomenology and heuristics. Areas of research interests include women's and family related issues, and international or cross-cultural issues. Her most recent research involvement was part of a team focused on violence against young women in India.

Courses Taught

PSYC 6393 - MS Capstone

PSYC 9000 - Dissertation


PhD, The Union Institute

MA, The Center for Humanistic Studies

MA, The Center for Humanistic Studies

BA, Western Michigan University

Public Service

American Cancer Society, Volunteer - Walled Lake

Walled Lake Schools Music Programs, Volunteer - Walled Lake