Boyd Johnson

Contributing Faculty
College of Management and Human Potential
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Boyd Johnson has earned a Ph.D. in International Studies, an M.A. in Anthropology, an M.A. in Theology, and a B.A. in Anthropology. He currently is an Adjunct Faculty in the doctoral program in Organizational Leadership and Followership at Indiana Wesleyan University and Adjunct Faculty in the College of Management and Technology of Walden University. Prior to that, he worked in international development and research for 16 years in many roles, based in Australia and Asia. Dr. Johnson has done training, consulting and teaching in over 50 countries, has visited over 100 nations on all seven continents, has lived in six countries, and is a dual citizen of Canada and the USA. He has studied, presented and published on global development, third-world issues and change, and the role of ideologies in societies (particularly in the South Pacific, Pakistan and Thailand). His research interests include cross-cultural leadership with a particular focus on cultural intelligence, and the impact of culture on global virtual cross-cultural teams.
Since 2013, Dr. Johnson has been carrying out an extended cultural intelligence research project in four countries in Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Moldova (post communist ex-USSR) and Slovenia-Serbia (post socialist ex-Yugoslavia). His current research on global virtual teams based in Europe.


PhD, Oxford Centre For Mission Studies

MA, Fuller Theological Seminary

MA, California State University

BA, University of California

Public Service

Faith, Hope and Love International, Other - Indianapolis

Awards / Honors

Hinds Fellowship 2017 - 2018, , 2017

Ambassador of Knowledge, Life Learning Academy, 2017

Lilly Faculty Scholarship Award 2013 - 2014, , 2013

University Scholarship Award, , 2019


Johnson, R. B. (2018). Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Research Tools: A Study on the Cultural Intelligence Scale Adaptation in Slovenian. Europe's Journal of Psychology

Johnson, R. B. (2018). Factorial Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Slovene Version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale.. Frontiers in psychology

Johnson, R. (2014). Global Leadership: testing Leadership Practice inventory in Ukraine (quantitative case study). Studies of Changing Societies: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Focus

Johnson, R. (2014). Testing cultural intelligence of Ukrainian students.. Economic Noble Visnyk

Johnson, R. (2014). Культурна компетентність в Україні Р. Б. Джонсон. Журнал європейської економіки


Johnson, R. (2018). Culturally Intelligent Global Virtual Teams. SIETAR Austria

Johnson, R. (2018). Leading with Cultural Intelligence. EU Program for education, training, youth and sport Erasmus+

Johnson, R. (2017). Key Trends and Tendencies in Cross-Cultural Research.

Johnson, R. (2017). 1) Defining Leadership in Transitioning Post-Communist Countries: A Case Study of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, and 2) Leadership Styles and Cultural Intelligence in Eastern Europe.

Johnson, R. (2017). “Effective Leadership in the Multigenerational Workplaces” [Učinkovito vodenje v medgen eracijskem delovnem okolju] .

Johnson, R. (2017). “Developing Cultural Intelligence and Leadership” .