Randy Heinrich

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
Ph.D. Human Services

Dr. Heinrich is a retired soldier and former educator who resides with his wife and three dogs in sunny and mountainous Arizona. He earned his doctorate in organizational leadership at the University of Phoenix in 2004, as well completed graduate studies in education, counseling, business administration, education administration, and international relations at Chapman University, Northern Arizona University, and Boston University. He served in the Army as an intelligence analyst across the United States, Central America, and Europe. After retiring from the service, he served in teaching and administrative roles in support of at-risk and special needs youth in a rural school district, sold insurance and investment products, and taught a number of courses for colleges and universities primarily in leadership, research, education, and psychology, and supervised teacher candidates during practica. He remains active in alternative school and dropout prevention research, as well as support for youth through local and regional advocacy initiatives. He co-authored Do Children Drop Out of School in Kindergarten? A Reflective, Systems-based Approach for Promoting Deep Change. He serves on a number of dissertation committees in an organizational leadership program for Argosy University and human services program for Walden University.

Courses Taught

HUMN 9001 - Dissertation

RSCH 8310 - Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis

RSCH 8360 - Advanced Qualitative Research

RSCH 8450 - Advanced Mixed Methods Research


DM, University of Phoenix

MEd, Northern Arizona University

MA, Chapman University (nka Brandman University)

BS, Regents College (nka Excelsior College)

Awards / Honors

Who's Who among America's Teachers, , 2007


Hickman, G., Heinrich, R. (2011). Do Children Drop Out of School in Kindergarten? .

Hickman, G., Bartholomew, M., Mathwig, J., Heinrich, R. (2008). Differential Developmental Pathways of High School Dropouts and Graduates. The Journal of Educational Research

Heinrich, R. (2005). Expansion of an alternative school typology. The Journal of At-Risk Issues

Heinrich, R. (2005). Expansion of an alternative school typology. The Journal of At-Risk Issues

Hickman, G., Bartholomew, M., Mathwig, J., & Heinrich R. S., Heinrich, R. (2008). The differential developmental trajectories of high school dropouts and graduates. The Journal of Educational Research