Rachel Gallardo

Contributing Faculty
College of Management and Human Potential
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Hello everyone!

My name is Dr. Rachel Gallardo and I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but raised mostly in and around the Houston area. After high school, I went back to BR to get my Bachelor’s of Psychology from Louisiana State University…GEAUX TIGERS!!! From there, I returned to Houston, received a Masters in Business Administration, a Professional in Human Resources certification, a Masters in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, and completed a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology.

I understand the challenges associated with going to school, working, and taking care of family responsibilities all at the same time, but I also believe if a person wants to accomplish a goal, he or she will find a way to do so. No excuses.

After approximately 10 years of working in the corporate world as a manager/director in Human Resources capacities, I left the corporate world for teaching and freelance consulting/writing. I’m happy to share what I have learned throughout the years in HR, Organizational Development, and Workplace Culture.

In addition to freelance consulting and public speaking, I have enjoyed teaching students in human resources, business, and psychology classes since 2014. I also have a passion for research and academic writing so I’m always working on projects for publication and public speaking. There is so much we can learn from each other through education. I hope my students bring new and refreshing ideas to share with others. We all have different backgrounds and different life experiences so don’t hesitate to share! The more we share, the more we learn.

In my personal life, I enjoy playing golf and watching movies with my husband, Adam. We love Netflix binge sessions and Fantasy Football. (Go Bears!!)

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to connect.

"Do or do not...there is no try." ~Yoda


PhD, University of Phoenix

MBA, University of Phoenix

MS, University of Phoenix

BS, Louisiana State University

Public Service

NCFCA, Judge -

Shield Bearer, Volunteer - Houston

Awards / Honors

Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence, Blinn College, 2020


Gallardo, R. L. (2021). Adjusting Your Leadership Post-Covid. NISOD Papers

Gallardo, R. L. (2021). Post Covid University Management will be an Exercise in Give and Take. World University Rankings

Gallardo, R. L., Rohde, D. M. (2019). Personality Predictors of Compassion Fatigue in Long-term Care Environments. North American Journal of Psychology

Gallardo, R. L. (2022). Achieving the Ah-ha Moments Thanks to Reflective Journaling. NISOD Innovation Abstracts


Gallardo, R. (2017). Influential Leadership. American Case Management Association

Gallardo, R. L. (2022). Overcoming Compassion Fatigue in Higher Education. National Organization for Student Success

Gallardo, R. L. (2023). Identifying Imposter Syndrome in First Generation College Students and Faculty. Lake Land College

Gallardo, R. L. (2019). Classroom Games: Resources to Increases Engagement in your Classroom. Blinn College

Gallardo, R. L. (2022). From Boomers to iGen: Managing the Generational Circus in the Work Environment. Texas A&m University