Patricia Williams
Dr. Patricia R. Williams, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice. She is currently licensed to practice in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina. She received a Doctorate of Social Work from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. She has a Master of Social Work from the University of South Carolina; and a Bachelor of Social Work from Northwestern State University, Louisiana. Dr. Williams is retired and a veteran of the United States Army. She has served a tour of duty with the Army in support of the Global War on Terror in Afghanistan. She previously worked as a counselor/therapist with Veterans Administration (VA). Dr. Williams also has nursing background. She worked as a License Practical Nurse for nearly 15 years before entering the field of social work. She began her teaching experience as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Tulane University Spring 2018. Followed by full-time Teaching at Belhaven University from 2018 to 2023. She has been a Contributing Faculty member at Walden University since 2019.
DSW, Tulane University
MSW, University of South Carolina