Patti Varga

Contributing Faculty
College of Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Dr. Patricia (Patti) Varga currently teaches policy and evidence based practice courses at Walden University. She has been teaching for over 20 years in a variety of roles from associate degree nursing programs through doctoral programs. Her most recent practice as a Faith Community Nurse served two diverse central city faith communities. Her past practice includes roles in staff and leadership positions in a variety of practice and academic settings. She serves her profession as Past- President of her local Sigma Theta Tau chapter, immediate past chair of the Education Research Interest Group of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Board member of her state Faith Community Nursing Organization, grant reviewer for several organizations and co-chair of an annual research conference sponsored through the collaborative partnerships between area academic and health care organizations.

Courses Taught

NURS 5050 - Policy and Advocacy for Population Health

NURS 6050 - Policy and Advocacy for Population Health

NURS 6052 - Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice

NURS 6003 - Graduate Study for Advance Nursing Practice

NURS 6002 - Graduate Study for Advance Nursing Practice


PhD, Marquette University

Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), National League for Nursing

MSN, Marquette University

BSN, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Public Service

Daley Debutantes Baton and Drum Corps, Other - Milwaukee

Awards / Honors

Wisconsin Nurses Association Signe Cooper Image of Nursing Award, Wisconsin Nurses Association, 2018

Sigma Delta Gamma At Large Chapter Nursing Leadership Award, Delta Gamma At Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, 2022


Varga, P., Duffy, D. (2016). Diversity Through the Lens of Cultural Humility . Alverno College

Varga, P. (2017). Stress Recognition and Response by the Faith Community. Wisconsin Nurses Association

Varga, P. A. (2023). Ethical Issues for Faith Community Nurses; Communication and Collaboration; Health Promotion & Beginning Your Ministry- 4 modules presented as part of the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Course sponsored by the Wisconsin Nurses Association. Wisconsin Nurses Associatino