Patti Senk
Dr. Senk started working at Walden University in 2018, and has previously taught in an online DNP program since 2009. She is Core Faculty in the Nursing PhD program. She has taught core courses, and has advised students on their dissertation, from developing and identifying a research question all the way through implementation and evaluation. Her research has focused on nursing informatics, specifically evaluating how nursing is represented in an electronic health record. In addition, she has evaluated the use of peer feedback in an online graduate nursing course.
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
BSN, College of St. Teresa
Westra, B. L., Sylvia, M., Weinfurter, E. F., Pruinelli, L., Park, J. I., Dodd, D., Keenan, G. M., Senk, P., Richesson, R. L., Baukner, V., Cruz, C., Gao, G., Whittenburg, L., Delaney, C. W. (2017). Big data science: A literature review of nursing research exemplars. Nursing outlook
Senk, P. (2016). Chapter 8: The relationship between a quality measure and staffing hours in nursing homes.
Senk, P. (2015). An analysis of peer feedback in an online graduate nursing course.
Senk, P. (2014). Shifting locations: Reflections on writing-enriched curriculum projects in diverse contexts.