Nicole Bradley
Dr. Nicole Bradley is an Ohio Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a supervisory designation. She has eight years of clinical experience, including work at community mental health agencies, college counseling centers, a tobacco cessation program, and an employee assistance program. Dr. Bradley is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Ohio Counseling Association, and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Her research interests include counselor self-care and wellness, creativity in counseling and teaching, relational cultural theory, and supervision. Dr. Bradley started as a contributing faculty member in Walden’s MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program in 2014 and moved into a core faculty role in 2020.
Courses Taught
COUN 6306 - Ethics and Legal Issues
Coun 6100 - Introduction to Mental Health Counseling
PhD, Kent State University
MS, Youngstown State University
BS, Baldwin Wallace College
Awards / Honors
Faculty Excellence Award, , 2023
Friesema, A., Bradley, N. L. (2022). How an RCT lens can enhance Skovholt’s Cycle of Caring for counselor educator self-care. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Bradley, N., Cragien, L., Stargell, N., Whisenhunt, J., Campbell, E., Kress, V. (2020). Relational-cultural supervision: A humanistic approach to promoting vulnerability and counselor development. Journal of Humanistic Counseling
Friesema, A., Bradley, N. L. (2022). How an RCT lens can enhance Skovholt’s cycle of caring for counselor educator self-care. NCACES
Bradley, N. L., Powell, J. (2022). Relational Cultural theory in Distance Counselor Education in the Eyes of a Mentor and Her Mentee. . NCACES