Nancy Blank
Dr. Nancy Blank’s formal training is in the field of criminal justice. She has been teaching since 2002. Dr. Blank’s current research interests focus on the impact of different teaching pedagogies on undergraduate student outcomes such as critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership skills and civic engagement. Her research focuses on urban violence, and program development and assessment for justice-involved youth. She has published or co-published over 20 peer-reviewed articles.
PhD, Rutgers University
MA, Teachers College, Columbia University
BA, University of Pennsylvania
Public Service
Manuscript Reviewer for Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Participant -
Developed literacy program for justice-involved youth, Organizer -
Awards / Honors
University Faculty Award for Civic Engagement , Widener University, 2017
Arts & Sciences Faculty Award Excellence in Research, Widener University, 2017
Simons, L., Fehr, L., Blank, N. B., Connell, H., DeSimone, R., Georganas, D., Manapuram, G., Thomas, D. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of Academic-Based Service-Learning Programs: Students' and Recipients' Teachers' Perspectives.. Metropolitan Universities
Simons, L., Fehr, L., Blank, N. B., Fernandez, D., Georganas, D., Padro, J., Peterson, V. (2013). A Comparative Analysis of Experiential Education and Student Development: Does the Type of Service Matter?.. World Journal of Education
Bonk, R. J., Simons, L. N., Scepansky, T. M., Blank, N. B., Berman, E. B. (2009). A multidisciplinary assessment of chesteropoly as an academic-service experience. Journal of Experiential Education
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Simons, L., Volz, G. L., Thompson, R., Finely, L., Cleary, J. (2009). A pilot assessment of a school-based youth court in a resource-poor African-American urban school district: Lessons learned from youth court volunteers. Juvenile and Family Court Journal
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Simons, L., Finley, L., Clearly, J., Thoerig, M. (2013). A Pilot Study of a Criminal Justice Service-Learning Course: The Value of a Multicultural Approach.. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Simons, L., Hirshinger-Blank, N., Williams, E., Willis, K., Camiollo, L., Dry, C., Floyd, C., Russell, B. (2011). A Pilot Study of Cultural-Based Service-Learning: What Did Undergraduate Students Learn from Elementary School Teachers in an Urban Public School District?. Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning
Simons, L., Fehr, L., Hirshinger-Blank, N., Williams, E., Dry, C., Carlin, C., Curran, L. M., Gensler, J., Rowe, S., Wright, L. (2011). A preliminary evaluation of cultural-based service-learning: Characteristics of cultural-and academic-based service-learners..
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Staulters, M., Sharma, S., O’Neill Hajduk, M., Toler, R. (2019). A University-Based Literacy Service-Learning Program for Youthful Offenders on Probation: A Preliminary Study of the Program’s Development, Implementation and Feasibility. Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Markowitz, M. W. (2006). An evaluation of a pilot service-learning course for criminal justice undergraduate students. Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Hirschinger-Blank, N. B., Simons, L., Kenyon, A. (2009). An evaluation of a service-learning model for criminal justice undergraduate students. Journal of Experiential Education
Simons, L., Russell, B., Hirschinger-Blank, N., Williams, E., Willis, K. (2009). An exploration of the value of cultural-based service-learning for student and community participants. Creating our identities in service-learning and community engagement
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Forke, C. M., Kenyon, A., Myers, R. K., Zhang, X., Schwarz, D. F. (2014). Feasibility of conducting child abuse research with girls in juvenile detention using Audio-Computer Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI) technology. Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Wallace, D., Hirschinger-Blank, N., Grisso, J. A. (2008). Female-Female Non-Partner Assault: A Political-Economic Theory of Street Codes and Female-Gendered Culture in the Contemporary African-American Inner City. Critical Sociology
Simons, L., Fehr, L., Blank, N. B., Connell, H., Georganas, D., Fernandez, D., Peterson, V. (2012). Lessons Learned from Experiential Learning: What Do Students Learn from a Practicum/Internship?.. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Simons, L., Fehr, L., Hogerwerff, F., Blank, N. B., Georganas, D., Russell, B. (2011). The Application of Racial Identity Development in Academic-Based Service Learning.. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Hirschinger-Blank, N., Simons, L., Volz, G. L., Thompson, R., Finely, L., Cleary, J. (2009). Urban School District: Lessons Learned From Youth Court Volunteers.
Blank, N. B., Staulters, M., O'Neill, M. (2015). Assessment of a service learning experience on university students, adjudicated youth, and justice personnel . Drexel University
Shermer, L., Blank, N. B. (2015). Does experience matter? Linking experiential learning to student learning outcomes? . American Society of Criminology
Blank, N. B., Staulters, M. (2018). The challenges of implementing and evaluating a university-based literacy service-learning experience program for youthful offenders. . Eastern Sociological Society
Blank, N. B., Staulters, M., Toler, R. (2016). The feasibility of developing and implementing a literacy program offered to youthful offenders. Eastern Sociological Society
Staulters, M., Blank, N. B., Alkins, A. (2015). The impact of a service learning experience on teacher candidates and adjudicated youth .. Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division