Miriam Ross
Dr. Ross has her Doctorate in Healthcare Administration and is a part-time faculty member in the MHA program, where she teaches health administration courses. In addition to her DHA, Dr. Ross has an MBA with a project management specialty, a Masters in counseling, and a BA in education. She has been with Walden since 2011 and taught traditional online MHA courses for several years before joining the Tempo MHA program. Dr. Ross works as a Chair, Committee Member, and URR and enjoys mentoring DHA students who are completing their dissertations. She has worked for over 20 years in health administration in a teaching hospital and a community medical practice where her experience includes accreditation processes, performance improvement, project development, community education and other areas of healthcare management.
Courses Taught
DDHA 9100 - Research Capstone
MMHA 6100 - US Healthcare Delivery System
MMHA 6280 - Strategic Planning and Implementation
MHA OM007 - Project Development (CBE)
MHA HE009 - Population Health Management (CBE)
MHA LE002 - Health Care Policy (CBE)
DHA, University of Phoenix
MBA, Walden University
MA, North Carolina Central University
Linda, M., Bobbi, W., Miriam, R., Lisa, M. (2018). Program management for faculty development: Addressing the changing faculty roles in a direct assessment competency-based model . Journal of Health Administration Education