Michelle Mccraney
Dr. Michelle McCraney embarked on her professional journey in 1991, holding various positions, such as an ESE teacher, assistant principal, and principal across elementary, middle, and high school levels. She has also held the position of executive director for Florida's first-ever Charter Technical Career Center, and as an Associate Vice President, supervised two campus libraries, six writing centers, and eight academic support centers within a state college. Her proficiencies include Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA), Educational Leadership, technology, ethics, healthcare, and Special Education.
In 2007, Dr. McCraney became a member of Walden University's Richard Riley College of Education and Leadership, Doctoral Program. She has actively contributed to dissertation committees as a chair and participant, while also teaching in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Program. Her research pursuits focus on special education teacher education, the transition of special education students, educational leadership, as well as curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Courses Taught
EDDD 8050 - A Systems Perspective
EDUC 8011 - Foundations in Curriculum Instruction and Assessment
EDSD 7001 - Leading the Future of Education
EDUC 8081 - Completing the Prospectus
EDUC 8090 - Doctoral Study Intensive
Educational Leadership Certificate, UCF
Mccraney, M. (2005). “Advanced Career Experience and Support-A Student’s Perspective”. US Department of Education
Mccraney, M. (2011). “E-Text Initiatives”. Florida
Mccraney, M. (2006). “TPDP Recruitment – Experienced Administrator’s Prospective”. US Department of Education
Mccraney, M. (2011). “Under One Roof”. Florida Library Association