Michael Schwab
Dr. Schwab has 30 years of experience in community health research and practice, at first in the UK, later in the US, Malawi, Mauritania, Senegal, Haiti and Australia – mostly in programs related to the health and wellbeing of children. For ten years, he was a member of the research faculty in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught masters and doctoral students, and led projects in which students were able to develop field skills in health promotion. This included seven years as Editor-in-Chief of the ‘ California Wellness Guide’, an innovative statewide public health campaign to provide information and referral on a wide range of health-related issues to diverse communities. He was later Executive Director of a two-year statewide inquiry into the conditions of California's children and their environments. During this period, he pioneered and published seminal papers on participatory approaches to public health. For the last 16 years he has been on the faculty in the School of Health Sciences at Walden, teaching classes on research methods, ethics and communication, and mentoring students in their doctoral research. He regularly provides pro bono consultancy services to non-profit organizations engaged in community health and social justice .
DrPH, University of California
MSc, London University