Michael Brunet

A native of New Orleans, Dr. Mike Brunet currently resides in Alexandria, LA. He is a Licensed Athletic Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, a Strength Training Specialists and an Exercise Physiologist. He received both his masters in Exercise Physiology and PhD in Sports Medicine from the University of Virginia. Since 2002 he has served as a statewide IRB chairman, a tenured professor and Division Chair of Allied Health, Director of Sponsored Programs, and a Regional Research Director overseeing research at five hospitals. He has given presentations all over the country related health, sports performance, nutrition and body composition, eating disorders and research methods. Since the beginning of 2023, Dr. Brunet has served as the Director of Clinical Research at St. Claire Medical Center in Morehead, KY. Throughout his career he has taught over 20 undergraduate and graduate classes, written and administered over 70 grants and he has given over 60 national, regional, and state professional presentations. Additionally, since 2011 he has been a contributing faculty member at Walden University in the College of Health Sciences and also as a research mentor by serving as a dissertation chair or committee member. While teaching remains his passion, he is an avid writer with a number of publications and one textbook on the female athlete. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and playing golf.
PhD, University of Virginia
MEd, University of Virginia
BS, Louisiana College