Mary Howe
She taught in the public school system for over 20 years and have had the privilege of teaching in two countries (US & Australia) and three states (Iowa, Nebraska & Texas). Her teaching experiences cover grades 3-6, Special Education, English as a Second Language, and Adult Basic Education.
Her higher education experiences focus on literacy education and elementary and literacy methods and assessment for undergraduate and graduate programs in face-to-face and online classes since 1997. She was involved in assessment of graduate students’ portfolios, mentored master’s students, and have been a mentor for doctoral students 2000 to 2009 and 2009 to present.
Her experience at Walden involves serving as full-time faculty URR, doctoral chair and methodologist, and quality reviewer and consultant for dissertations and project studies.
Courses Taught
RSCH 8310 - Qualitative Reasoning
RSCH 8110 - Research Theory, Design, and Methods
RSCH 8350/8360 - Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis
EDUC 8090 - Doctoral Study Intensive
EDUC 9001 - Dissertation
PhD, University of Southern Mississippi
MEd, University of Southern Mississippi
BS, Peru State Teachers College
Howe, M., Radcliffe, R., Higginson, B. (1999). A comparison of teachers' knowledge and use of content literacy strategies. The Reading Professor
Howe, M., Thames, D. (1997). A pilot study: Mississippi reading teachers' perceptions toward the interpretation of results from the new norm-referenced portion of the Mississippi Assessment System. Mississippi Association of Supervision & Curriculum Development