Mary Howe

Core Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
Doctor of Education (EdD)

She taught in the public school system for over 20 years and have had the privilege of teaching in two countries (US & Australia) and three states (Iowa, Nebraska & Texas). Her teaching experiences cover grades 3-6, Special Education, English as a Second Language, and Adult Basic Education.

Her higher education experiences focus on literacy education and elementary and literacy methods and assessment for undergraduate and graduate programs in face-to-face and online classes since 1997. She was involved in assessment of graduate students’ portfolios, mentored master’s students, and have been a mentor for doctoral students 2000 to 2009 and 2009 to present.

Her experience at Walden involves serving as full-time faculty URR, doctoral chair and methodologist, and quality reviewer and consultant for dissertations and project studies.

Courses Taught

RSCH 8310 - Qualitative Reasoning

RSCH 8110 - Research Theory, Design, and Methods

RSCH 8350/8360 - Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis

EDUC 8090 - Doctoral Study Intensive

EDUC 9001 - Dissertation


PhD, University of Southern Mississippi

MEd, University of Southern Mississippi

BS, Peru State Teachers College


Howe, M., Radcliffe, R., Higginson, B. (1999). A comparison of teachers' knowledge and use of content literacy strategies. The Reading Professor

Howe, M., Thames, D. (1997). A pilot study: Mississippi reading teachers' perceptions toward the interpretation of results from the new norm-referenced portion of the Mississippi Assessment System. Mississippi Association of Supervision & Curriculum Development