Mary Ann Cejka

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Psychology

Mary Ann Cejka recently retired as provost of Global Ministries University. A psychologist, writer, and activist, she holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Loyola Marymount University, an M.Div. from Yale, and a Ph.D. in psychology from Purdue. She has had many years of experience in teaching, research, ministry, development, nonprofit management, and support services for overseas humanitarian work. Her articles have appeared in a number of periodicals including AMERICA, THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY, NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER, and SOJOURNERS. ARTISANS OF PEACE: GRASSROOTS PEACEMAKING AMONG CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES, a volume that she edited with Thomas Bamat, received the Pax Christi Book Award. Dr. Cejka has taught courses in multicultural psychology and personality psychology for Walden University, where she currently serves on dissertation committees.

Courses Taught

PSYC 8221 - Psychology of Personality

PSYC 8701 - Culture and Psychology


PhD, Purdue University

MS, Purdue University

Master of Divinity, Yale University

BA, Loyola Marymount University

Public Service

Progressive Catholic Coalition at SOA, Other - Ft. Benning

Purdue Peacemaking Action Network, Other - West Lafayette

United Farm Workers, Volunteer - Los Angeles

St. Joseph's Table, Other - Wilmington

Lestonnac Free Clinic for the Poor, Volunteer - Orange

St. Martha's House AIDS Hospice, Volunteer - Long Beach

Awards / Honors

1st Place, "5 Sounds in Search of an Author" Contest, WNYC, 2001

Catholic Press Association, Third Place, Professio, , 2004

Downes Prize, Yale University, 1981

Honorable mention, National Public Radio, 1998

National Merit Scholar, National Merit Scholarship Program, 1973

Pax Christi Book Award for Artisans of Peace, , 2004

Purdue Research Foundation Grant, Purdue University, 1993

Shabo Award for Children's Picture Book Writers, , 2010


Cejka, M. (2007). Defending the faith. National Catholic Reporter

Cejka, M. (2008). Glowing embers of the ancient and the new. National Catholic Reporter

Cejka, M. (2016). The Soy Saint of El Salvador. Maryknoll

Cejka, M. (2010). Thwarting Terrorism Takes Insight into Recruits. National Catholic Reporter

Smith, E. R., Fazio, R. H., Cejka, M. (1996). Accessible attitudes influence categorization of multiply categorizable objects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Cejka, M., Thomas, B. (2003). Artisans of Peace: Grassroots Peacemaking among Christian Communities.

Cejka, M. (2017). Dreaming in Color: Today’s murals reflect nightmares of the past, current hopes, and growing diversity in Northern Ireland. National Catholic Reporter

Cejka, M., Eagly, A. (1999). Gender-stereotypic images of occupations correspond to the sex segregation of employment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin


Cejka, M. (2005). Artisans of peace in Guatemala: Who they are, what they do, and why they do it. Rivier College Peace & Social Justice Institute

Cejka, M. (1993). Components of gender stereotypes as predictors of sex differences in career choices. Congress of the Interamerican Psychological Society

Cejka, M. (2007). Peace, poverty, and Catholicism since Populorum Progressio . St. Michael's College

Cejka, M. (2002). Reconciliation and rebuilding at the grassroots: An international study. UN Department of Public Information/Nongovernmental Organizations Section

Cejka, M. (2003). Responding to terror: Lessons from Guatemala. Interamerican Psychological Society