Marsha Miller

Contributing Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
B.S. Child Development

Marsha Miller, MEd Marsha Miller has 38 years of experience in Early Education and Early Childhood comprehensive programming. Her experience includes serving as a classroom teacher, supervisor of early childhood programs, and designing and implementing programs for high risk children ages birth through five with a professional emphasis on designing supports for those working in them. This includes grant writing and implementation for Head Start, Early Head Start, State funded and community- based partners. Many of these projects have initiated coaching for early educators and the use of data to inform their work with children. This work has included alignment in curriculum, assessment, and professional development across the diverse Pre-K landscape. A primary focus of this work has been on bringing research to practice through intentional alignment and coordination in rural areas in Northern Michigan. Current work includes applying research and writing as a consultant towards the revision and alignment of several state-wide workforce Core Knowledge and Core Competencies (CKCs) workforce specific self-assessment tools. As an administrator, Marsha has served as a Program Director for Early Reading First, Early Head Start Family Child Care Pilot Project, and the Great Start to Quality Northwest Resource Director. Each experience offered the opportunity to put into action her commitment to strengthening the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those working with young children with an emphasis on those working with children most vulnerable and at risk. This is evidenced in her work as adjunct faculty for several institutions of higher education, including the development of credit bearing coursework for early educators across a range of child development content. Marsha shares her experience and expertise through teaching those working with young children and their families teaching at the Undergraduate level. Marsha Miller received her Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education from the University of Michigan, her Master’s Degree from Grand Valley State University and holds multiple certifications related to training credentials and reliability status on varied teacher and child assessment tools.

Courses Taught

EDUC 4001 - Capstone

EDUC 4500 - Capstone

EDUC 1001 - Foundations in Education

EDUC 1002 - Pioneers and Philosophers in Educatioin


MEd, Grand Valley State University

BS, University of Michigan