Mark Arcuri
Dr. Mark Arcuri’s is Core Faculty in the College of Allied Health where he serves as Research Coordinator in addition to other administrative and teaching responsibilities. His formal training is in Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, with an emphasis on Integrative Health and Wellness. He has served various clinical, administrative, consulting, and academic roles since 1986, focusing on the unique needs of diverse populations living in inner-city urban to rural locations. A clinician at heart, Dr. Arcuri has sought opportunities to incorporate clinical ideology into program development and leadership in organizations of all types while broadening the definition of “clinical” to include complementary and alternative approaches to personal, community, and organizational health and wellness. His passion is supporting current and future leaders in addressing the holistic needs of their selves, staff, and communities from within what he calls a biopsychosocialspiritualenvironmental framework.
PhD, Capella University
MA, New York University
BA, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Arcuri, M. A., Cardador-Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, V. M., Manzano-Santana, P., Alonzo-Macias, M. (2020). Barberry: Medicinal Properties and Usage for Metabolic Disorders Prevention.
Arcuri, M. A., Cardador-Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, V. M. (2018). Cannabis.
Arcuri, M. A., Cardador-Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, V. M. (2018). Melaleuca.
Arcuri, M. A., Cardador-Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, V. M. (2018). Sage.
Arcuri, M. A. (2008). A Life Aligned: The journey to allowing the magic in your life.