Margaret Dam

Contributing Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership
M.S. Higher Education

Dr. Margaret Dam holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Supervision from Georgia State University. Her undergraduate degree is a B.A. (Ed.) in elementary education from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Her Master of Education and Educational Specialist degrees are from Georgia State University with a major in Middle Grades Education. Dr. Dam has worked as a teacher, Instructional Lead Teacher and as Executive Director of Professional Development for a large metropolitan Atlanta school district. Following a career in K-12 education, she has taught at the university level in the area of educational leadership, higher education and adult learning. Her interests include higher education, instructional supervision, adult learning, professional learning, and teacher leadership.

Courses Taught

EDUC 6155 - Understanding Higher Education

EDUC 6156 - Understanding Students

EDUC 6263 - Best Practices for Student Success

EDUC 6260 - Managing Human Resources

EDUC 6759 - Assessing for Learning

EDUC 6760 - Facilitating Learning Online


BA, Memorial University of Newfoundland

MEd, Georgia State University

EdS, Georgia State University

PhD, Georgia State University

Awards / Honors

Exemplary Service Award, Clayton County Chamber of Commerce, 2000

Exemplary Service Award, , 2000

Faculty Research Award, , 2011

Outstanding Georgia Leadership Program, , 1996


Nixon, A., Dam, M., Packard, A. (2010). Teacher dispositions and contract non-renewal. Planning and Changing


Dam, M. T., James, S. (2015). Developing Reflective Practice in Online Learning. Walden University