Manoj Sharma

Contributing Faculty
College of Health Sciences and Public Policy
Ph.D. Public Health

Manoj Sharma is a physician by initial training and has completed his Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine from the College of Public Health at The Ohio State University in 1997. He is licensed to practice medicine and surgery anywhere in India by the Medical Council of India (License # MCI/6322) since April 1, 1987. He is also a master certified health education specialist (MCHES #7929) certified from National Commission on Health Education Credentialing since April 1, 2011. He mentors for Walden University. He has mentored for Walden University from 2000 to 2012 and has restarted working with Walden since 2015. His research interests are in developing and evaluating theory-based health behavior change interventions, community-based participatory research, and integrative mind-body-spirit interventions.


PhD, The Ohio State University

MS, Minnesota State University

Public Service

Health for All, President - Omaha

Awards / Honors

Impact Award (Highest award in Integrative health by APHA), APHA, 2018

William R. Gemma Distinguished Alumnus Award, OSU, , 2011

PRIDE Award, Best Ohio Health Promotion Program, , 1997

William Oxley Thompson Early Career Achievement Award, OSU, , 1998


Branscum, P., Haider, T., Brown, D., Sharma, M. (2016). Using emotional intelligence and social support to predict job performance of health educators. American Journal of Health Education

Xu, X., Lui, D., Rao, Y., Zeng, H., Zhang, F., Wang, L., Xie, Y., Sharma, M., Zhao, Y. (2018). Prolonged screen time and sociodemographic factors among pregnant women: A cross-sectional survey in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Sharma, M. (2014). Yoga as an alternative and complementary approach for stress management: A systematic review. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Sharma, M., Haider, T., Knowlden, A. P. (2013). Yoga as an alternative and complementary treatment for cancer: A systematic review. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Sharma, M. (2017). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion.