LeAnn Wittman

Contributing Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
Barbara Solomon School of Social Work
Master of Social Work (MSW)

LeAnn Wittman, MSW, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the MSW program at Newman University. Dr. Wittman began teaching at Newman in August 2017, focusing on Research Methods, Policy, and Trauma Competencies. Dr. Wittman earned her BSW in 1993 and her MSW in 1995, both from University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. Dr. Wittman completed her PhD from the School of Social Welfare at the University of Kansas, where she taught in BSW and MSW programs and as a Graduate Research Assistant. Dr. Wittman has over 20 years in direct and administrative social work experience primarily with persons who are unhoused and/or have experienced intimate partner violence. Dr. Wittman primary areas of expertise are trauma-informed care, intimate partner violence, and poverty-related social policies.

Courses Taught

SOCW 6301 - Social Work Research


BS, University of Missouri

MSW, University of Missouri

PhD, University of Kansas


Wittman, L. (2015). From Helena to Harlem: Barriers to saving at two SEED sites. Journal of Community Practice


Wittman, L. (2010). From Helena to Harlem: Barriers and facilitators of saving in children's savings account programs. American Public Policy Association

Wittman, L. (2009). Parent’s perceptions of participating in children’s savings accounts. Corporation for Enterprise Development Conference

Wittman, L. (2013). Symposium on Asset Based Strategies for Enhancing the Well-Being of Children and Youth: Experiences with Matched Savings for Children and Youth.. Society for Social Work Research

Wittman, L. (2009). Symposium on children’s savings accounts: incentivized savings for children: From Helena to Harlem. Society for Social Work & Research Conference