Laura Rogers
Laura Rogers, Ph.D., has been a counseling professional for more than 30 years in both clinical and academic settings. She received her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Mississippi and currently serves as a contributing faculty member. Her clinical practice includes work with a variety of populations, with focus on identity issues and women experiencing significant life transitions. She is a licensed professional counselor-supervisor, national certified counselor, and approved clinical supervisor. Dr. Rogers is an active counseling professional and has served on the Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners and the executive boards for Mississippi Counseling Association and Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselors Association. She maintains an active research agenda and was the 2017 recipient of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Distinguished Service Award- Counselor Educator. Her research interests include counselor wellness and secondary trauma, spirituality, sexuality, cultural diversity, and supervision.
Courses Taught
COUN 6626 - Reearch Methods and Program Evaluation
COUN 6250 - Group Counseling
COUN 8125 - Teaching in Counselor Education
COUN 8130 - Clinical Supervision
PhD, University of Mississippi
MEd, Delta State University
Public Service
MS Licensed professional Couselors Board of Directos, Board Member -
Awards / Honors
Distinguished Professional Service - Counselor Educator, Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, 2017
Rogers, L., Falkner, J. (2018). “Who Am I?”: Unique Issues for Multiracial Youth.
Rogers, L., , F. J. (2017). Compassionate Supervision and Remediation for Counselors with Unresolved Personal Trauma. ACES