Kristie Roberts Lewis
Dr. Kristie Roberts-Lewis has approximately 20 years’ experience in Higher Education teaching undergraduate/graduate courses in political science, management, human resources management, nonprofit management, public policy and administration. Additionally, Dr. Roberts-Lewis has numerous years of experience in challenging leadership roles of academic programs, as well serving in leadership roles of the major associations in the field of public administration and working collaboratively with public and nonprofit officials at the state and local level. Dr. Roberts-Lewis has experience in maintaining the academic quality and the instructional level of academic programs, accreditation reports, assessment models/standards, program evaluation, recruiting and hiring faculty, developing and designing professional development curriculum and ensuring the overall success of the academic unit and the organization as a whole at both online and brick and mortar institutions.
At Walden University, she serves as University Research Reviewer, Contributing faculty in the School of Public Policy & Administration teaching both doctoral and master level students. Additionally, Dr. Roberts-Lewis chairs dissertation committees and serves as a second committee member on numerous committees. Dr. Roberts-Lewis research interest focuses on issues of social equity and justice, issues that impact women, girls, marginalized and disenfranchised populations, sex trafficking and social welfare. She serves on the executive leadership team for COMPA- the Conference of Minority Public Administrators, ASPA-American Society of Public Administrators, ASPA-GA, American Society of Public Administrators, Georgia Chapter and the NFBPA-MAC National Forum for Black Public Administrators-Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter. Concomitantly, she consistently presents at the COMPA and ASPA- GA annual conferences and recently co-authored her first book, titled Write Your Own Ticket: A Guide to Help you Prepare for College and Beyond and has published dozens of book chapters and articles. In 2017, she received the prestigious Bernard L. Turner Faculty Award by Walden University for her service on the dissertation committee of the student whose dissertation was judged as meeting the highest university standards of academic excellence. In 2016, she received the Sy Murray Mentoring Award by the Conference of Minority Public Administrators for her commitment to student development both inside/outside of the classroom and in 2015 she was recognized by the U. S. House of Representatives/the Honorable Hank Johnson for her outstanding and invaluable service to the field of education.
PhD, Jackson State University
MPA, Albany State University
BS, Fort valley State University