Kristen Moran
Dr. Kristen Moran earned her Master's in Counseling (emphasis in School Counseling) and her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from Virginia Tech. She has 20 years of experience working in the counseling field, 11 of these years as an educator training both school and clinical mental health counselors. Dr. Moran has school counseling experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels and also as a therapist in private practice working primarily with adolescents and adults. She is licensed as a School Counselor and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina.
Dr. Moran is a Contributing Faculty member in the School Counseling program.
PhD, Virginia Tech
MEd, Virginia Tech
Moran, K. L., Bryant, J. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Implications for counselors.. Wisconsin Counseling Journal
Sackett, C., Farmer, L., Moran, K. L. (2018). A Phenomenological inquiry of students’ meaningful experiences with school counselors. Journal of School Counseling
Moran, K. L. (2016). Anxiety in the classroom: Implications for middle school teachers. Middle School Journal
Moran, K. L., Bodenhorn, N. (2015). Elementary school counselors’ collaboration with community mental health providers. Journal of School Counseling
Milsom, A., Moran, K. L. (2015). From school counselor to counselor educator: A phenomenological study. Counselor Education and Supervision
Barrow, J., Blount, T., Moran, K. L. (2020). SOS – Supervising our School Counselors.
Moran, K. L., Godwin, C. (2018). "Minding" the Store: Creating Mentally Ready Teacher Educators.
Krepps, J., Moran, K. L., Marlowe, D., Vincent, E., Wagstaff, J. (2018). Integrated Behavioral Health: What is it? And, how do I get started?.
Moran, K. L. (2017). Mindfulness with Children and Adolescents.
Moran, K. L. (2017). Promoting Student Success Through Mindfulness.