Krista King
Krista King obtained her Bachelor of Social Work degree from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. She then completed her Master of Social Work degree at Marywood University. After several years of practice in the social work field, Krista received her Doctor of Social work degree from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Her doctoral program focused on leadership and education.
Courses Taught
SOCW 6070 - Supervision, Leadership, and Management in Social Work Organizations
HUMN 6361 - Human Sexuality
SOCW 6204 - Medical Social Work I
SWLB 0651 - Skills Lab I
DSW, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
MSW, Marywood University
BSW, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Public Service
Triangle Parents of Multiples, Board Member - Raleigh
King, K. M., Vafeas, J., , S. S. (2018). Social Determinants of Health. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania